Saturday, November 16, 2013

Putting Toothpaste Back in the Tube

After spending three years getting Obamacare started, running into a “brick wall” and not being able to get it done, Obama has just told the insurance industry they now have THIRTY DAYS to “turn it all around” and UN-cancel millions of insurance policies they were FORCED to cancel because they “didn’t meet the guidelines (orders) given them by Obama. It can’t be done, and WON’T be done. Can you imagine how much it will cost THEM (not Obama) to do the paperwork (pay all the workers, buy all the printing and postage) to send out millions of letters notifying policyholders? Consequently, they will get the blame when it doesn’t happen and Obama will be able to continue to blame others for his own shortcomings, make them do all the work and spend all the money while “coming up smelling like a rose” while screwing everybody else. (Just common sense)


Anonymous said...

Ummm, obama does not have the legal authority to arbitrarily change a law. That has to be legislated. Insurance companies are not legally bound to do squat just because obama says so. Why is no one stopping this pos president. WTF??????

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: There is a big shortage of balls in DC.

Anonymous said...

That is TOTALLY true. What a ball-less bunch of wosses!