Monday, November 4, 2013

Muslim Fools Bray

Yasir Qadhi said, “Jews and Christians are filthy. Their lives and property can be taken in jihad.” This from a representative of a “religion” that condones the rape of a 3 -year-old girl. The MURDER of young women who so much as SPEAK to the wrong man, or MARRY the wrong man; from a “religion” that will KILL you if you convert to any other religion, which wants to kill everybody who is NOT a Muslim, for nothing but not being THEIR KIND of Muslim. A “religion” that APPROVES the murder of young women for refusing to marry the old men their fathers sell them to. Does ANYBODY with any intelligence put ANY credence in the BRAYING of such FOOLS? I’d call him an animal, but that would be an insult to the animal. Somebody needs to slap this big-mouthed SOB down. If this gets me in trouble with Obama, nasty break. I couldn’t care less. (Patriot Action Network)

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