Tuesday, November 19, 2013

"Don't Mess With Our Guns!"

That’s the message sent to anti-gun fanatics who think they can “willy-nilly” remove our gun rights with impunity. They can’t. The two Colorado lawmakers who were in the forefront of making the most recent tight gun laws have been FIRED by the voters. They thought they could further limit our constitutional right to “keep and bear arms,” the means to self-defense. They couldn’t, and voters told them that in Colorado’s FIRST successful recalls in history. They still bluster that they did nothing wrong, and blame their recalls on other things, like low voter turnout. But the voters told them otherwise. That’s a fool idea. Hopefully this will “Send a message” to other anti-gun fanatics” who think they can “do their thing” without a response from the people. (Mail.com)

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