Friday, November 15, 2013

It Isn't About Racism!

Barack Obama notwithstanding, it is NOT racism for people to oppose what he does. He and his fools claim that EVERY criticism of the fool is racism; it is NOT. Their “reasoning,” if there is any, is faulty. If the American people hated him because he’s black, they’d only HALF hate him because he’s only HALF BLACK. But he CHOOSES to be black because in today’s world, it gives him an advantage over the ill-informed voters that voted him in—twice. If people don't like him because he's black, he’d have never been elected, even once. But people don’t think about that. They buy his fiction (lie) that people only oppose him and his piss-poor actions because he’s black. In reality they oppose him because he is SYSTEMATICALLY destroying this economy in order to con us into becoming a socialist (collectivist) society.

He figures if he can make capitalism (the free market) fail, we’ll believe him when he tells us socialism is the way to go (which it isn’t), but he figures enough people want a “free ride” (at somebody else’s expense) and won’t pay any attention to politics that he can fool us all the way. He figures he doesn’t need to OWN the money if he can control how it’s spent, and on whom. Then he can continue to live like a King on other people’s money as he has for the last six years (as this is written in 2013). Obama is a pestilence on the Earth and needs to be “wiped away” with the other “droppings.” (Just common sense)

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