Tuesday, November 26, 2013

I Can't Work

Sorry to anybody who has missed my posts to my several blogs the last few days. Last Friday just before I was to update “Ray’s Shorts,” I was unable, as I could not even keep my eyes open. I had to go to the hospital. Seems I have conjunctivitis, otherwise known as “pink-eye.” Some may think that is a minor ailment, in that it’s not going to kill me. But take my word for it, it is NOT. It can be very painful and debilitating. For me, several days later, it still IS. I still mostly can’t open my right eye, and it is hard to do this work with only one eye, whose movement effects the other eye. I’m hoping it will clear up soon and I can resume my work. Until then, Aaaaccckkk!


Anonymous said...

Yikes! How are your eyes now?

I got pink eye in my eyes from contacts about a year ago. It was awful. I had to drive my own self to the eye doctor and could hardly see. Fortunately, he was only about 3 blocks away and not on busy streets.

Hope you are all cleared up now.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Not completely, but getting there. Turns out it wasn't pink eye. the "almost-a doctors" at the hospital were wrong. It was just something in there scratching the eyeball. thanks for the good wishes, anyway.