Friday, November 15, 2013

Don't Mess With Our guns!

Two Colorado lawmakers who supported the passage of tough gun laws in Colorado have now been recalled. Coloradans are very adamant that they want to KEEP their right to bear arms. State Senators Angela Giron (D-Pueblo) and John Morse (D-Colo Springs) have lost their jobs over this vote. The NRA is for it and NY Mayor Bloomberg is against it (what is HE doing messing around in Colorado politics?). Surprise, surprise! The Colorado legislature passed several restrictive gun laws last year without ANY Republican support and the bills were signed into law by Democrat Governor Hickenlooper (I don't think he can be re-elected). It was an ALL-Democrat move and they will probably suffer for it. This sends a definite message to the anti-gun fools: “Don’t mess with our right to self-defense!” I predict there will be more recalls of anti-gun fools in the future. (

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