Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What FOOLS They Be!

Louis Michael Feldman, Professor of constitutional law at Georgetown University ought to be fired for STUPIDITY. While introducing him, they asked, “Is the Constitution worth the reverence in which most people hold it?” What an abysmally STUPID question that is! The Constitution, flawed though it may be, is the only thing standing between you and the slavery people like Obama envision for us. Yes, I know Obama and many others (mostly Democrat/liberals) ignore it on a regular basis with impunity, but its very existence has a “slowing effect” on their wishes to enslave us. That’s because the founders didn’t think to include a PENALTY (other than reversal by the courts if the person ignoring it does not OWN that particular court) for violating it. But to eliminate it (if that’s possible) is to leave us to the “mercy” of people like Obama, who wants to make this country the next “showcase country” for socialism (as long as the money they can steal or print lasts).

Obama is the guy who says, “Only Fox News and Rush Limbaugh stand in the way of a COMPLETELY ‘compliant’ media.” He doesn’t even understand that this is NOT something WE want; it is only a “would-be-dictator” who would wish to COMPLETELY control the media. Yet he comes right out and SAYS that, as if “owning” the press was a “good thing” for a president. A media who “keeps him in line” is a BULWARK against tyranny, and he knows it; and wants to eliminate it completely. And he doesn’t care if we know it. This is the guy who has STOLEN $trillions of our dollars, right out in the open, first by taxing us unmercifully, then by printing $billions of dollars in “funny money” with nothing valuable behind it. This is the guy who JAILED the producer of a movie he falsely blamed for the deaths of FOUR of our embassy personnel in Benghazi, Libya, to keep his LIE about al-Qaida being beaten from becoming obvious. He knows NOTHING about ANYTHING, but he wants us to think he knows about EVERYTHING and should be able to run everything. (CBS Sunday Morning)


Anonymous said...

Is that "movie" director still in jail or did they just kill him?

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: I think he's still in jail. At least until this blows over.

Anonymous said...

Let's make sure it never blows over and they have to let him go. Unfortunately, his major error was that he was not supposed to have internet access so the government was able to pin this on him. Did you see his movie trailer? It was really stupid and poorly done. It was not even a movie, just a trailer, anyway.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: He was just a pawn in their phony game, anyway. They've probably forgotten about him.

Anonymous said...

That is certainly true. He was a pawn, as are all the libtards out there who voted democratic.