Sunday, February 24, 2013

Couldn't Someone Do Something?

A man in Georgia gave many warnings that he was “unhinged” and would, one day, do violence because of his paranoia. He went around his property at night with a flashlight and a shotgun. He killed a dog for coming on his property; he frightened kids that came to get that dog; he terrorized his neighbors; he built a “bunker” and used the dirt from that hole to build a “berm” in front of his house so nobody could see into it from the road. Anybody with a modicum of common sense knows to expect him to someday kill a human being. He did, the other day. He came onto a school bus and demanded to have one of the children (for what purpose, we don’t know) and when the driver tried to prevent him from taking one, he shot him to death and took one five-year-old to hold him IN that bunker while police sit on their hands outside, BEGGING him not to harm that child. Why was his paranoia ignored? Why didn’t someone DO something about him before now? (Florida Times-Union)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All good questions. Instead we get gun bans. We need nutcase bans.