Wednesday, February 13, 2013

N. Korea Wants to Become A Parking Lot

They’ve exploded yet another nuclear bomb, and say they’re soon to have one on a long-range nuclear missile. ONE. Maybe they just don’t understand that ONE nuclear bomb on ONE nuclear missile doesn’t mean a whole lot of a threat to the United States with its HUNDREDS of missiles. Maybe They don’t understand that if they send ONE nuclear bomb into the United States or into an area PROTECTED by us, their country will become a steaming pile of crap in the next few hours. And, lo and behold, their entire nuclear arsenal will have already been used up. But they won’t care; they’ll be a big blob of crap. What they hope to gain by their posturing, while spending the money that rightfully should belong to their people, I don’t know. Maybe they just want to be trouble for the world—until somebody bigger and “badder” takes them down—which the U. S. WILL. If they fire ONE missile in our direction, they’ll die. And the missile will never make it to ANY American city, with the missile defense system we set up when there was a REAL threat (from Russia before they went bust). Korea threatening us is like a mouse crawling up an elephant’s leg with rape on its mind. It’s not a real threat, at all. (Just common sense)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

North Korea has obama to help them. He wants to gut our defenses.