Thursday, February 28, 2013

Race Hustlers

Today, there are three people who want you to think racism is “alive and well” in this country because that’s how they make their money. There IS some residual racism left, but it is no longer “the law of the land," thanks to Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King. Those three are Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and (Calypso Louie) Louis Farrakhan, all of whom CLAIM to be pastors, but all of whom are self-ordained. These people all use the racism scam to make them a lot of money. Usually by threatening big business with “racist claims” if they didn’t “contribute” to the so-called “charities” they control.  Al and Jesse have made their money PRIMARILY with this extortion plan. Calypso Louie made his on a much bigger scale, pretending to be the “leader” of a Muslim sect. But ALL have become RICH by exploiting the small amount of racism that remains in this country. (Just common sense)

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