Saturday, February 9, 2013

Opening Bid: "I Fold"

Ann Coulter says that’s what Senator Rubio’s plan for amnesty for illegal aliens is. He SAYS he is demanding border control, but his plan gives AMNESTY to ALL illegal aliens now in this country with nothing there to force Obama to actually carry through on border control, something he has pledged not to do (and we all know how faithful he is to keep the promises we don’t like). It’s the old con to give your opponent what he wants now while PROMISING do deliver something in return LATER. Later never comes. You’d THINK our politicians would stop “falling for” this con, but they don’t. They’re incompetent. Rubio needs to learn this. I like Rubio on most things; but I don’t like him on this. We did something similar in 1966. Reagan was promised they would “secure the borders” if he would give AMNESTY to the millions of illegal aliens then in the country. He did. And you know just how well they “secured toe borders.” (CNS News)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think Rubio has been thrust into the spotlight way to soon. He is not mature enough yet. Giving amnesty to millions of illegal aliens is a huge mistake this country just cannot afford. Illegals should go back home and enter lawfully. They have no right demanding any rights. If they have no respect for this country we don't want them here. We already have obama!