Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"King Obama" Goes to Florida

Only kings and queens can pick up and go a thousand miles or more to play golf with a golf pro. Oh; I forgot. Obama IS a King. Or at least he thinks he is when he thinks nothing about spending hundreds of thousands of OUR dollars to take his Secret Service detail to Florida with him to play golf with Tiger Woods because “he felt lonely in that big White House with Michelle gone to Aspen, similarly spending hundreds of thousands of OUR dollars to go to Aspen on her umpteenth “vacation” this year at OUR expense. But then, “the Queen” can DO that, can’t she? Seems to me the PRESIDENT would be more interested in doing his job as president; you know, the one we PAY him to do while he’s playing golf with that “skirt-chasing” Tyger Woods. Oh; I forgot;. Democrats don’t make anything about being a “skirt-chaser.” They still love Bill Clinton, don’t they? I’m sure if they could, they’d like to put him back in the White House. It’s a good thing they can’t. The media is mad at him—not for what I mentioned, but for keeping them away Their priorities are really screwed up. So far I haven’t heard anywhere who won. And if “King Obama” didn’t, I never will. “Hey, Kingie; you forgot your pants!” (Yahoo News)

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