Saturday, February 2, 2013

Dems Continue to Lie

 Harry Reid, “boss man” in the Senate for Democrats says that “We’re still growing.” Don’t think just because the economy CONTRACTED, we’re not. Reduced government spending caused by the MINORITY Republicans (when Obama wasn’t looking”) caused that “contracting of the economy.” But there is NOT any “reduced government spending.” There hasn’t been for many years. Government spending has constantly gone up, along with taxes, for as long as I can remember that’s a typical Democrat LIE. And they expect people to actually BELIEVE that. The bad part is that those who “don’t pay attention to politics” until just before an election when the lies are flying in all directions WILL believe it. A good example is that woman I told about who had two bumper stickers on her car: one pushing “freedom of speech” and the other pushing “shutting up Fox News.” I brought that contradiction up to her and now she has covered one of them up with an Obama sticker. That shows a complete lack of understanding of what’s going on, but she’s very faithful to that criminal in the White House. Who is causing ALL the problems. You can’t argue with her. She is “tone deaf.” (Just common sense)

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