Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Liberals Ruin Everything They Touch

Lots of people think Romney is going to have a tough time beating Obama. I disagree. I don’t much like Romney, but ANYBODY is better than Obama. I think Bugs Bunny could beat Obama with his record. Obama is a consummate liberal. One of the strongest liberals seen in this century. So that means he is as INCOMPETENT as they come and shouldn’t be anywhere NEAR the White House and its authority. Liberals have been “in charge” for most of the last fifty years, and the problems we have encountered prove their incompetence. Liberals think socialism is the system we should use. That, alone, shows their incompetence. Socialism FEEDS on the labor of the “producers.” It produces NO new wealth, but DEPENDS on the productiveness of others to EARN the money they TAKE (steal) so they can “redistribute” YOUR wealth to those who produce NOTHING. (Christopher Chantrill/American Thinker)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am very worried that obama will get himself "re-elected" because he will do anything necessary to achieve that end, which will also be the end of this country. We already know he lies and twists things to support his agenda. He will also facilitate stuffing ballot boxes with dead people votes and illegal votes. We have come to that in this country, like a Third World...