Tuesday, May 29, 2012

They Just Don't Get It!

Liberals (socialists) operate on a wrong basic premise: that you go into business to create jobs. Nothing could be further from the truth, which is why everything they try FAILS. If you want evidence of the failure of the liberal premise, just look at the myriad local and federal governments that are failing today, and you’ll find liberals running things. You go in business to make PROFIT! If you DO make profits, soon you are hiring more and more people to help you run your business. Job-creation is a BY-PRODUCT of making a profit. Even Obama, who HATES profits, pumped TRILLIONS of our dollars into many companies, including General Motors, in order to “turn it around.” But what does “turning it around” mean? Becoming PROFITABLE! Becoming profitable CREATES JOBS! Liberals don’t understand this simple concept. Until they do (which will never happen), they’ll never succeed at making things better, anywhere. (Just common sense)

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