Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Clutching At Straws: "Dinosaur Farts"

They had a hand in not only killing off the dinosaurs, they’re part of global warming, too, according to a “scientific” study just released. Global warming fools have nothing else, so they are now citing “dinosaur farts” as a contributing factor to global warming. Is there ANYTHING too stupid for them to use as a "cause" for global warming? This study is by David Wilkinson, of Liverpool John Moores University in England. It estimated that about 520 million tons of methane gas from dinosaur farts and belches contributed to their extinction and it was from global warming back then. AlGore’s “settled science” is not so settled, since most of it came mostly from now discredited sources, many of which falsified their findings to his benefit. So now they’re relying on “questionable science” from sources like this. (New York Daily News)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who was around at the time to hear them farting??? How do we know? (Those must have been some thunderous farts!!)