Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What's Wrong With Wal-Mart?

Wal-Mart is a good company. Even if they DO sell mostly communist China slave-made goods in order to get their prices down to the point Americans will actually BUY them. They TRIED the “made in America” thing when they first started, but it didn’t work. Americans, who DEMAND high salaries, will not pay the prices required when the goods are made in America. So while paying high prices required by the high wages demanded by Americans, they could not compete with companies who imported their goods from countries whose people would work for a lot less, plus from a country where all the workers were slaves, anyway, and HAD to work for low wages, communist China. Now the SAME Americans who demand ever higher wages will not pay for American-made goods because prices are too high accuse Wal-Mart of “outsourcing” the manufacture of their goods while paying low wages themselves.

What did they EXPECT? And the accusation about paying low wages is a LIE. People flock to Wal-Mart’s employment office ANY time there is an opening because they pay a “living wage” WITHOUT being TOLD to by a union. They bring hundreds of new jobs to ANY community to which they move, but many locals obstruct them on these specious motives. Instead of obstructing them, they SHOULD be WELCOMING them and all the new jobs they bring while paying lots of taxes. They wouldn’t stay in business if people didn’t shop there. And why do they shop there? Because they keep their prices low in SPITE of hell. People come up with all kinds of phony excuses why they don't like Wal-Mart, but they shop there, anyway, once Wal-Mart gets by their detractors and actually get their store opened. The "mom and pop" store owners who get run out of business can go to work for Wal-Mart and make more than they ever made while in business. (Forbes)

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