Friday, March 9, 2012

How Cocky Are They?

The “Occupy (Everywhere)” movement and Muslim extremist leaders have come together for a strategy meeting and rally. They probably call it something else, but that’s how politicians (and that’s what they are) operate. Have meetings to screw the pubic right out in the open while calling their meetings something they aren’t, to fool the people. But the very fact that they are holding a meeting together tells me a lot about the OWS bunch. Not that I’m surprised. I’m only surprised they didn’t even try to keep their collaboration secret. The OWS bunch wants a “free ride” and the Islamic terrorists want to foment as much trouble as they can. So who’s surprised they’re now working together? (World Net Daily)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oy geessss! Those "occupy" air-heads have no clue what they are doing and the trouble they are getting into. Those occupy camps everywhere should have been raided, broken up, and the occupiers jailed and/or sent home long ago. Enough already! Exactly how are they affording to remain unemployed while playing at 'protester'? Don't tell me. I am paying for it through unemployment benefits. We should investigate everyone involved with 'occupy' and if they are on unemployment it should be taken from them and they should be made to repay every dime they have received.