Saturday, March 31, 2012

Ignorant Ideas

What are these politicians thinking? How STUPID are they? Mandating insurance companies insure people for PRE-EXISTING CONDITIONS! That’s like insuring your car for accidents AFTER you’ve wrecked it! Or insuring your horse against theft AFTER it has been STOLEN! This, like their law forcing lenders to loan money to people who cannot repay it is an exercise in STUPIDITY. But these people force it on insurance companies with a straight face, just as if it were a LOGICAL thing. It is NOT. It is evidence of IGNORANCE of how the world works—and this in the people who are RUNNING things. How do we get such people running things? By “not paying attention to politics” and voting anyway. Does ANYBODY really know ANYTHING about Obama’s past? Where he was born, and if he adheres to the Muslim philosophy whether he IS a Muslim, or not? We know NOTHING about this guy who came out of NOWHERE and with the liberal media solidly behind him beat a woman who is just as bad, but whom we could at least say we knew something about. Why did we elect him to the highest office in the land without knowing ANYTHING about him? We’re learning about him now, not through his past: he has seen that his past is “locked away” forever.

We have learned about him through his ACTIONS, which we abhor. We will kick his rear end out in November, but that may be too late. Elite liberals think Obama is not a socialist. We think otherwise because we don’t have our blinders secured tightly in place as they do. They say “Only irresponsible fanatics carelessly throw around such epithets.” But is that true? Or its it simply liberals, who think they’re better than us “muggles,” “poo-pooing” what others think. We think he is a socialist because he has SAID he is a socialist. Because everything he has done since being inaugurated promotes socialism. The evidence is IN. He IS a socialist. There is no doubt about it, and those elite liberals are full of dung. They WANT socialism because they intend to be in positions of power when it comes, so they don’t have to EARN money to get the benefit from it. They know you don’t have to OWN the money to benefit from it. They hope to be like those “commissars” in the old Soviet Union running around in state-owned luxury cars, back and forth between their sumptuous homes to their sumptuous “offices,” all paid for by the “collective,” but which they treat as their own, while the “serfs” stand by, hat in hand, and envy them. (Forbes)

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