Wednesday, March 21, 2012

"Investigating" Muslims

New York City is “watching” Muslims closely; surprise, surprise! And they’re getting in trouble for it with some of our own people (liberals, mostly, but other kinds of dupes, too) If I lived in New York City, where MUSLIM terrorists MURDERED 3,000 innocent people without warning, I’d want to “watch” Muslims closely, too. I wasn’t old enough when the Nazis were doing their “dirty work” before WWII, but I’d bet Americans were closely watching Germans at the time. FDR even “rounded up” Japanese and put them into “concentration camps” because they could recognize a Japanese on the street. Today they can recognize Muslims on the street, but they’re not “rounding them up” to be placed in “concentration camps.” They’re simply keeping a close eye on them so that if they DO something that indicates they’re terrorists, we can “scotch” their schemes. Yes, there are many “good” Muslims here, but if they are NOT Muslin terrorists they have nothing to fear. But to keep a close eye on Muslims is only common sense and logic since, while not ALL Muslims are terrorists, ALL those terrorists who have wreaked havoc all over the world ARE Muslims. (Freedom’s Phoenix)

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