Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Equal Justice" Under the Law

Last fall, a Muslim attacked a Pennsylvania man named Ernest Perce who had dressed up like Mohammed for a Halloween parade. The attack was caught on film, witnessed by dozens of parade watchers, and verified by a policeman. The Muslim was charged. But when he was brought before Cumberland County Judge Mark Martin, the judge dismissed the assault charges against the Muslim and dressed down the Pennsylvania man for being insensitive to the Muslim religion. Not only did Martin rule in favor of the Muslim attacker, he lectured Ernest Perce for insulting Islam: "Islam is not just a religion, it's their culture. It's their very essence; their very being… And what you've done is, you've completely trashed their essence, their being. They find it very, very, very offensive. I find it offensive." Would this judge say anything to a Muslim who trashed the Christian religion? I don't think so. He's too stupid. I find his finding offensive. (Thanks to Conservative

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