Sunday, March 11, 2012

Congress Passes Obama Impeachment Bill

But there has been no action on it i the Senate. I guess they’re hoping they can stall it in the Senate until after the election, hoping Obama will win and he can better quash it. One thing always in Obama’s favor is the tendency of Congress to “drag their feet” on anything “controversial.” But what’s “controversial” about impeaching Obama? The subject of this impeachment is but ONE reason we have to impeach this travesty of a president. What about spending more of (our) money than there IS on his “flights of fancy” masquerading as “green energy companies? Companies who quickly “take the money and run? Companies whose people have donated millions of dollars to his campaigns. Obama’s scam is so transparent we can all see how he is paying back his contributors by giving BILLIONS of OUR money to them while they go bankrupt and never pay it back while we can’t touch them because of the bankruptcy laws. Well, he DID promise to be “transparent.” And why is our source for this a patently conservative one? Because you’ll never read about this in the liberal media. (Conservative Papers)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It will never happen, especially with the democratic Senate. I really think obama could burn the Constitution in public and get away with it.