Thursday, August 26, 2010

"Why Should I Read the Bill?"

Democrat Sen. Baucus scoffs at the very idea of an important man like him “wasting time” actually READING the bills he passes into law with his vote. I’ll answer his question: “It’s simple; we ELECTED him to read the bills he passes into law, so he should READ them or not vote. If the Democrat leadership only gives him a couple of days to read it before voting on it, this needs to be changed. It is a SCAM to get people like him to vote things in that they would never think about if they knew what was in there. Nancy Peelosi once said, “We need to pass the [health care swindle -RT] bill so we can find out what’s in it.” That is plain STUPIDITY on her part. Any member of Congress who admits to voting for a bill he/she has not read should be impeached and removed from Congress. It is a violation of their oath to do so. And if Peelosi (or whoever replaces her after November) continues not allowing sufficient time to read the bills they pass, SHE should be removed for cause. (The Hill)

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