Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Newsweek Lies About Sharpton

Al Sharpton (“Reverend.” he calls himself, with no evidence he was not self-made) is one of the best known “race baiters” to come down the pike. He is a bigot himself, as witness his campaign against the Jews. Even worse than his old buddy, Jesse Jackson (who once called New York city "hymietown"), whose activities may not have caused the death of anybody (maybe), as Al’s have. They’ve shown clearly their perfidy with this article, that attempts to “whitewash” a man who has used race to enrich himself, not caring how many people he kills in the process. He has lied regularly to promote his ignorant rambles of racism that does not exist, to promote his scams to create the ILLUSION of racism in large companies, who then pay him off to leave them alone. This is the same scam used by Jesse Jackson and has been very successful for both. They have even been accepted in the highest government circles by people who don’t want them to accuse THEM of racism for leaving them out. You can’t accuse this writer of being racist, because he is also black and has not “bought” Al’s lies. (Larry Elder/Atlasphere)

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