Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Stupidest Statement Ever Made!

That is Nancy Peelosi’s statement that “We need to pass the bill to find out what’s in it.” That’s not how we do things in America. Any congressperson that votes in a bill he/she hasn’t read and understands is guilty of malfeasance and needs to be removed from office. One congressman even SCOFFED at the idea of having to READ the bills they vote on because they’re too long and the leaders don’t give them long enough to read them. That’s not an excuse. That’s something that needs to be CHANGED! To hand you a thousand page bill and set a vote for less than 24 hours away is CRIMINAL! Nancy needs to be disciplined. She is an EXAMPLE of how this government thinks it knows best and is better than the rest of us. In this, she’s wrong, and needs to be disabused of this notion. (Just common sense)

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