Sunday, August 15, 2010

Partying While America Burns

America is in trouble. Most of it caused by a liberal (Democrat)-passed law (The Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976), passed in the (Democrat) Jimmy Carter administration and signed into law by Jimmy Carter, strengthened by Bill Clinton’s Democrat-controlled Congress. It FORCES lenders to loan money to people who CANNOT repay it—EVER. They cannot NOT know the damage this law causes to the economy, but they don’t care. Michelle goes to Spain on one of the Obama’s many vacations and rents 60 ROOMS for herself and her extensive retinue while Barack goes to Chicago and plays basketball. These people think they are “America’s Royalty,” and act like it. (Rush Limbaugh)


Anonymous said...

The Obama's not only think of themselves as royalty, the press has actually referred to the Obamas as "America's Royalty" on several occasions.

Ray Thomas said...

Anon: Not surprised. They referred to Jack Kennedy and his wife as "America's Royalty," too. some people just WANT to have a king

Anonymous said...

Obama certainly does...