Monday, April 6, 2009

We Want Names, Too!

"AIG workers are getting death threats. [But Barney Frank is willing to subpoena those names. –RT] CNN is airing some! But Barney Frank wants to out them publicly. Well, we want names, too. Who were the prostitutes in Barney's basement [And why does nobody take him to task except for the “hand-slap” he got? -RT? Who gave Chris Dodd his sleazy mortgage, and Harry Reid his sleazy land deals -- and who's covering up Charlie Rangel's sleazy tax evasion?" (Rush Limbaugh) Why does nobody question these things? How do these people get away with this kind of thing? Yeah, yeah, I know Congress did once take notice of some of these crimes by their members, but as with the banking and post office scandals, and Ted Kennedy’s drowning of his pregnant girlfriend at Chappaquiddick, nothing ever got done and the “sinners” remain in Congress (most of them) to this day. Kennedy will likely die in office as his ignorant constituents continue to return him to Congress, time after time. They’ll probably re-elect him after he’s dead so the Mass. Governor can reliably appoint his hand-picked successor, who can carry on his dishonest work. (Just common sense)

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