Wednesday, April 1, 2009

"Recklessness and Greed"

Obama says AIG is in trouble because of “recklessness and greed.” He’s right. But it is the “recklessness and greed” of the federal government, not of private business. They were only obeying the law (The “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976") that Democrats imposed upon them (forcing lenders to lend money they could not pay back). It angers me to see such as Barney Frank or Chris Dodd (who DEFENDED the CRA when Bush tried 12 times to “rein it in”) criticizing such as AIG when their mistake was obeying “Barney’s Law.” I’m getting very tired of hearing them criticize the “victims” of their own bungling. They criticized Sen. McCain for saying “the economy is fundamentally strong,” yet they are now echoing him. And they think we don’t remember that. We’ve elected con men to run our government, and we are going to suffer for it. (Yahoo News/AP)

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