Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Is It Time to "Go on Strike?"

A protester at the Feb. 27th “Tea Party” demonstration references Ayn Rand’s 1957 novel about the world’s “brains” going on strike, refusing to continue to allow the “looters” and “moochers” to steal the results of their ideas and production any longer. One by one, after the looters had pushed them too far, they “retired” and disappeared, eventually destroying an already wobbly (because of the looters) economy. Is it now time for those “producers” of society; those who produce all new wealth with their ideas and their work, to “go on strike,” telling Obama (Omama) to “go to hell?” I’m proud that everything I do that uses my brain is in OPPOSITION to Obama and his looters. I will continue to do so as long as the looters are running this government. I’m talking about ALL the looters, not just Obama. They’re well entrenched in this government, and will be hard to “root out.” They are entrenched too, in our school system, from kindergarten up to college (teaching our children that collectivism is “the way”). (Washington Independent)

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