Sunday, April 19, 2009

Showing His Ignorance (Again)

Obama said, again—that the U. S. is “responsible” for what the Islamic terrorists did to us on September 11, 2001. How STUPID is that? And for our own president to say it! That’s one of the dangers of electing a socialist liberal (such as Obama) to the presidency. He becomes literally DANGEROUS. He, and the rest of the liberals still refuse to admit that WE’RE AT WAR with Muslim extremists, and should NOT tell the Islamic extremists all out secrets, as he did when he released the results of a “memo” about what liberals call “torture methods,” and what I call “minor discomfort,” such as “slapping their faces” and using their own fears (such as putting a terrorist who is afraid of poisonous insects in a small space with a caterpillar he is TOLD is poisonous) to get information out of them that might save lives. Personally, I don’t care if they pull their fingernails out (REAL torture) or give them "the death of a thousand cuts" after what they routinely do to our people (such as beheading Daniel Pearl). They have, in my opinion, forfeited the “right” not to be tortured, or even to stay alive. (Just common sense)

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