Thursday, April 30, 2009

$325 Grand Photo Op

The Obama administration spent $325 grand to fly Air Force One low over NYC, scaring the bejeezuz out of New Yorkers. Why? How did it happen without Obama’s knowledge? The truth is, it DIDN’T. He’s lying when he says “I found out about it when you did” or he is revealing a terrible ineptness at governing. But then, it’s not surprising. Obama, like Clinton, would rather lie than tell the truth, even when the truth would serve better. The way you can tell he is lying is to watch his lips: if they’re moving and sound is coming out, he’s lying. His “poll numbers” are almost identical to Bush’s at this point in his presidency. That Bush’s were so low at the end is a tribute to the ability of the Democrats (liberals) to demonize him. (Just common sense)

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