Sunday, April 19, 2009

"Sharing" Knowledge and Resources

The sheriff of the county in which the columbine school shootings happened says that they’ve made many improvements in how they handle such incidents, including going in RIGHT NOW, isolating the shooters, and even eliminating them before they can kill more people. They “share” this information with everybody. But they don’t, and WON’T do the ONE THING that can help: allow teachers and other responsible people to be armed, inside the school, at their own discretion, so any shooters will not know WHO is armed and cannot shoot them down. If the principal of Columbine, who told of “peeking around a corner” and “watching one of the shooters firing into a room,” had been armed, he could have “put a couple into him,” ending his shooting spree. But NO! Anti-gun freaks only want to MAKE MORE LAWS against ANY guns on ANY school campus, GUARANTEEING that a shooter (who doesn’t care about laws) will not meet ANY opposition until after he/she has already killed a lot of people. (Just common sense)

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