Thursday, April 23, 2009

"Dangerous Right-Wing Extremists"

Columnist Ann Coulter’s mother died the other day, quietly, in her sleep. But she wasn’t just Ann Coulter’s mother. She was the “fount” from which Ann sprung. “She was a direct descendant of at least a dozen patriots who served the cause of the American Revolution and traced her lineage on both sides of her family to Puritan nonconformists who came to America in 1633 seeking religious freedom on a ship led by Pastor Thomas Hooker. Or, as Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano would call them, ‘A dangerous right-wing extremist hate group.’ " (Ann Coulter) This is the kind of people we now have running our government; people who HATE what they did then, and think people who LOVE it are “dangerous, right-wing extremists.” Believe me, if Janet Napolitano had not been sure Obama would have approved her report, she would not have released it. (Just common sense)

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