Thursday, December 31, 2009

Happy New Year!

Not “Happy Holidays” as the liberals prefer. I don’t follow their “political correctness” scam to limit what we can say in any way. I say “Merry Christmas” and “happy New Year”. This is the end of 2009. Hopefully, 2010 will be the year when we foil Obama’s plans by taking away his voting base in Congress. He currently has a voting majority there, and the Republicans can’t do much more than whine and gripe, and attempt filibuster of his idiot plans. This doesn’t work very well when he has the votes to invoke cloture. So when the election comes, vote AGAINST all Democrats and every Republican who is acting like a Democrat. Get those people OUT of there and, hopefully, Obama won’t be able to complete his planned takeover and collectivizing of this government. It’s up to you. Unless you vote them out, he will continue to destroy this country a little at a time, until we can elect Sarah Palin in 2012. (Just common sense)

Nary A word

A Democrat member of Congress (William Jefferson, D-LA) was sentenced to 13 years in prison and the liberal news media uttered nary a word about it. If that had happened to a REPUBLICAN, they’d be “shouting it to the skies,” as they were when a Republican congressman was railroaded by a gay-hating cop for moving his foot in the wrong way, even though one of the most prominent Democrats in Washington is an ADMITTED gay (Barney Frank). This is how they “slant” the news. They ignore completely anything they wish to hide from the public while trumpeting that which advances their “template.” The Republican had to resign after the news media attacked him for what they called "soliciting gay sex" while doing not much of anything to Barney when it was discovered his boyfriend was running a gay whorehouse out of his apartment. He said hr didn't know about it. Do you believe that? (Brent Baker)

Why Do They Do This?

Why do they allow jerks like Al Franken “shut down” his betters? I’ve seen this before, where a JUNIOR Senator is allowed to sit in the chairman’s seat in congress and crap on better senators than he could ever hope to be. Junior senators should not be allowed to take a turn in this position until he/she has been in the Senate long enough to become a REAL senator. Lieberman handled it well, being used to being crapped on by Democrats, since he “whupped” them in the last election. I’m surprised he even CAUCUSES with them, considering what they’ve done to him. I don't like Liebermann's politics, but I like HIM. He's got gonads. I love to watch him give Democrats "what for." (Media Research Center)

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

It's Not Us, Stupid!

Ahmadinijerk and his Mullah bosses think America is responsible for the “unrest” his country is suffering. It doesn’t enter their minds that it might be the oppression to which their people are being subjected just might be responsible. They don’t even consider that their people might just be tired of the ruthless dictatorship that is their government, and are afraid that the “death wish” from which their president is suffering just might take them with him when he dies. They think their people should be HAPPY to be ruled by such as Ahmadinijerk and his Islamic bosses. They can’t understand anything else. Ahjmadinijerk says if the West continues to support the demonstrators, we’re going to “get a punch in the face.” I’ve got a clue for mister stupid: Any “punch in the face” he gives us will be met by a brick wall falling on him. (Sydney Morning Herald)

Waiting and Hoping

This comic strip illustrates beautifully what Obama’s fans are waiting for: Obama as Santa Claus, bringing them presents. But it ain’t gonna happen. Not in this lifetime, anyway. Obama is good at promising, but lousy at delivering on his promises. He has made so many promises since he was nominated, nobody can remember them all; and that’s the way he wants to keep it. If you can’t remember them, you certainly can’t insist on him keeping them. (Baldo)

He's Asking for It

Apparently Ahmadinijerk either doesn’t remember what happened to Saddam when he poked a stick into that sleeping giant called America, or he has a death wish. In any case, we would be happy to help him do whatever he wants. He can’t really think he can BEAT the United States in a war unless he's insane. I personally think he IS insane. Maybe he can do some damage in his local area, but if he wants his entire country to become a steaming pile of stinking brown stuff, he’s doing all the right things. Or maybe not if he can frighten Obama enough. (Yahoo News/AP)

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

"The System Worked"

That's what Janet Incompetano told us confidently, “The system worked” when a disaster was averted when the detonator didn’t work, and the passengers didn’t do what earlier administrations advised them to do when an airliner was attacked; nothing. “Just sit quietly and you’ll eventually be released when it’s over.” But that didn’t happen on four airplanes on September 11, 2001. Everybody, on all four planes, died, along with thousands of people in the three buildings the terrorists flew them into. This changed forever how passengers reacted to a hijack attempt, to their credit. There have been several such attempts since, and all have been foiled by passengers who pulled a “let’s roll” action on the would-be hijackers. One hijacker even got severely beaten.

If that’s the ”system” to which she referred, she’s right. But it isn’t. The “system” failed miserably. They were warned several times, beginning with the warning the hijacker’s own FATHER gave us a month before his attempt—which was ignored, except to put his name on a “no-fly” list with hundreds of thousands of names on it. A list that was not consulted when he forced his way onto the plane without a passport with (hopefully, for him) exploding jockeys. Thanks to brave passengers, he was restrained after burning his legs and genitals; which I consider “providential.” (Town Hall)

Gore Just Makes It Up

Today he’s saying the polar ice caps will be entirely melted in five years. He has no proof of that, but that has never stopped him in the past. He thinks up something that will cause more people to give him money and he touts it. That’s AlGore. If you question him, he says you’re a “denier.” Then he denies “living proof” that his scientists are lying about “the science.” This guy must think people are incredibly ignorant; and he’s right, because most people don't pay enough attention to know the truth. Even some otherwise highly intelligent people have bought his bull crap. That list includes several presidents and many other politicians. They’ve either “bought it,” or figure APPEARING to buy it will help their political (or monetary) fortunes. (Just common sense)

Limiting Carbon dioxide Emissions

That’s one of the things they wanted to do to airlines at the Climate Conference dog and pony show in Copenhagen. Of course, those airlines can “buy carbon credits” that cost billions of dollars so they can continue to emit as much as they’re willing to pay for. You can bet AlGore has an interest, however well hidden, in those who SELL those “carbon credits.” Will they soon limit how much carbon dioxide we can breathe out? And charge us for “carbon credits” to allow us to continue breathing? Of course, they want you to forget (or not pay attention to) the 4,000 limousines and 150 PRIVATE planes they used to GET to the Copenhagen Conference and the emissions they put out. (Just common sense)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Merry Christmas, Gun Owners

There; that should make all liberals mad as hell, and that’s what I like to do. Mainly because every liberal idea they come up with is not only illogical, it is dangerous. Yet they think they’re the smartest people in the world, and should be allowed to run OUR lives. You know, ideas like declaring what we breathe out every time we take a breath to be a “poisonous emission” that needs to be “controlled.” How? Taxed and limited. How they’ll do that, I don’t know. They also believe that the way to self defense is to DISarm ourselves. That CRIMINALS, whose very lives are devoted to breaking the law, will OBEY one that says they can’t be armed. They actually think that they can ELIMINATE guns from the world. This is not only illogical, it’s STUPID! But they, in their “wisdom,” won’t even LISTEN to those of us who try to tell them different. They try and eliminate the word “Christmas” from the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. They say it “offends” certain people, as if we cared. Those who are offended by Christmas can go pee up a rope, for all of me. (S. E. Cupp)

Blagovich "Evidence" Stolen

What did you expect? This in the sort of thing you can expect when a top Chicago thug is threatened with prosecution. Yes, the “evidence” stolen from Blagojevich’s attorney’s office is not the only evidence against him, but the very fact it was stolen can be used by his lawyers to help his case, and that can ultimately get him off on a technicality. (Chicago Breaking News)

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Who Knows What's In It?

The health care swindle bill has been passed in the Senate, AND the House. There’s a big hooraw about the number of pages in both. But still, nobody knows what’s in either. There have been revelations about bits and pieces in both, and they have been duly debated (true or not) while Democrats ignored it. The Congressional Budget Office “scored” both bills and made up numbers which still showed neither bill would lower costs significantly. The nation has signified that it wants nothing to do with Obama’s biggest swindle, but Obama, his “gang of thieves,” and his captive Congress press on, committing political suicide in the process. They continue to laugh at, and point fingers at Sarah Palin, today’s political reincarnation of Ronald Reagan (just as they did Reagan himself, while he whupped ‘em at every turn), a woman who is going to “whup ‘em,’ in the 2012 election while Clinton bozos say “The Reagan era has been completely destroyed.” They wish. The “Clinton era” will NEVER be destroyed because it is based on basic VALUES. (Just common sense)

Democrat Looters Agree

I was happy when Democrats were fighting amongst themselves on how to loot Americans by taking over the health system, because as long as they were arguing, nothing was getting done. Now they agree, and soon they will be looting us even more than they are, already. Of course, they’re still blaming the Republicans for not agreeing with THEM. I wonder if they even realize what an “opposition party” is supposed to do. If it always agrees with THEM, what kind of opposition is that? (Fox News)

This Is How They Do It

How the liberals con you into things. They just hit it, and hit it, everywhere you look, telling the lies they want you to believe. Even in the comic strips, where Doonesbury established that he “didn’t need to tell the truth, it’s a comic strip.” This strip DEFINITELY doesn’t tell the truth, but it tells the lie, again. Using a polar bear to illustrate the lie just compounds it, since the biggest lie they tell is about polar bears. They AREN’T “disappearing from the earth.” There are more polar bears now than ever before. But they’ll never tell you that. (Non Sequitur)

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

I will not bow to the liberals’ political correctness dictate that I not mention “Christmas” in my greeting to you on Christmas day. The whole idea of eliminating the word “Christmas” from a greeting concerning the birth of Jesus Christ is stupid. But then, everything the liberals in Washington (and other government centers) do or say is stupid, so I expect it of them. Whatever your religion, using the name of Christ in a reference to His birthday is logical, and I am logical if nothing else. I respect ALL religions, even though I may not agree with all their tenets. So Merry Christmas to all, whatever your religion. I realize that may “offend” some, but that’s too bad. Trying to limit my free speech offends ME. (Just common sense)

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Nary A Word

A Democrat member of Congress (William Jefferson, D-LA) was sentenced to 13 years in prison for corruption in office and the liberal news media uttered nary a word about it. If that had happened to a REPUBLICAN, they’d be “shouting it to the skies,” as they were when the Republican congressman was railroaded by a gay-hating cop for moving his foot in the wrong way, even though one of the most prominent Democrats in Washington is an ADMITTED gay (Barney Frank). This is how they “slant” the news. They ignore completely anything they wish to hide from the public while trumpeting that which advances their “template.” The Republican had to resign after the news media attacked him for what they called "soliciting gay sex" while doing not much of anything to Barney when it was discovered his boyfriend was running a gay whorehouse out of his apartment. He said he didn't know about it. Do you believe that? (Brent Baker)

Fleecing America

When communism “collapsed” in Russia (the same people are "in charge," they just SAY they're not communists any more), a lot of communists in this country were out of work. So they adopted radical environmentalism as their “religion” instead. The whole purpose of radical environmentalism is “fleecing” America, both as to rights, and the money to make it happen. The “dog and pony show” held in Copenhagen, Denmark, is designed to make that happen. They used 4,000 limousines and 140 private jets with all that “carbon” shot into the air for all those people to get there (at somebody else’s expense, of course) instead of teleconferencing. If anything comes of it, it is YOU that is going to foot the bill while your country’s economy is coming down around your ears. (Investor’s Business Daily)

"Warmest Decade On Record"

That’s what the UN says about the 20th Century, in spite of the undeniable evidence that they have been falsifying the “evidence” for years, to disguise the fact that the globe has NOT been warming since 2000. So what? So it was warming during the 20th Century. But we didn’t cause it to warm. It takes a lot of arrogance to believe that puny man could have much of an effect on the temperature of this globe. The warming and cooling is CYCLICAL. The SUN is the biggest cause of the cycles. It doesn’t matter if the globe IS warming or cooling. It’s a natural phenomena. We can’t affect it. So why spend so much money trying? Because it makes people like AlGore into a billionaire, that’s why. (Yahoo News/AP)

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

They're Frightened

The liberals will always tell you who scares them the most. They’re the ones they ridicule the most often, and the ones who get pilloried on “Saturday Night Live” the most often. The ones liberal “news” hosts go out of their way to insult and make fun of. David Brooks, for instance, calls Sarah Palin “a joke,” in hopes that voters will believe him and ignore her in the 2012 election. But that’s not going to happen as more and more Americans wake up and pay attention to the “steal-fest” that’s going on in Washington. Obama and his criminal friends think they can rape America and we won’t notice. But he’s wrong. America IS noticing, as shown by his sinking approval numbers. I’d bet even the lady who told me she liked Obama and didn’t want to hear anything against him is waking up. She’s mostly a smart lady, and he can’t fool her for much longer. (Media Research Center)

It's Never About Race

Unless somebody’s criticizing Obama. Not when a black man walks into a restaurant and murders four white cops, it isn’t. Not a peep in the media about it being a possible “hate crime.” But if other cops had shot the black man down, THEY would have been called racist. At least, his killing was so obviously self-defense on the part of the hero cop who killed him that it would be hard to do so; but don’t be surprised if one or more of the “race swindlers,” such as Jesse Jackson or ”Calypso Louie” Farrakhan try it. (Just common sense)

"Vicious Lies"

The Democrats say there have been more “vicious lies” told about Obama than about any president in recent memory. What a load of crap! What has been said about Obama is nothing but truth. I’d like to see them give me some examples of what they SAY are lies. Compare that to the lies they told about Reagan and both Bushes and you have the proof of THEIR lies. Obama and his “gang of thieves” haven’t told a “truth” since they emerged from the “Chicago Ooze” before the 2008 election. They wouldn’t know how. Now they’re gaily stealing everything we have under the guise of “fixing” the problems THEY created to get elected while blaming it on Republicans. (Just common sense)

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Shame, Shame, Shame!

Democrats cry ”shame” at the Republican efforts to at least slow down their efforts to screw this entire country, but they didn’t call “shame” when Democrats were FILIBUSTERING Bush’s Supreme Court nominees. It’s funny. They call “shame” when Republicans use the very same tactics THEY used in the past. Either they have no memory of that, or no shame at all Do they really think we don’t remember this? How stupid are they? (Media Research Center)

Not Even With Help

Can the deadbeats the Democrat’s “Citizen Reinvestment Act of 1986” was SUPPOSED to “help” pay their mortgages? Liberals passed this insane law to guarantee the election of Democrats in 2008 and it did. The Democrats “took over” the government after the “safety valves” they also created (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) were tripped, just before the election. Now they say they’re trying to solve the financial problems they created, but every action they take only makes it worse. All this has done (besides give us this insane bunch of incompetent jerks now in office) is show us, again, how incompetent liberals (Democrats) are to govern while giving THEM another chance to make this into a socialist nation whether we like it or not. Fully 25% of those who have received "help" from Obama's government are STILL behind on their mortgages and many are just "walking away" from them. (CNN Money)

Saturday, December 19, 2009

It Isn't "Politics"

The liberals tell you that their policies (mostly the health care swindle, but including AlGore’s global warming swindle and others) are having problems because the "Republican PR machine” has convinced more people to be against it. In truth THEIR “PR machine” has failed. The media has lost its monopoly on what news gets out. Now, more and more people are finding out what the liberal policies MEAN to them, and they want no part of it. THAT’S why they’re against them. You don’t have to be a conservative to be against them. You just have to realize how they’re conning you out of your socks with everything they do. (Just common sense)

What Is A "Truther?"

Is a “truther” someone who insists on hearing the TRUTH? What is there to ridicule about that, unless you’re lying and don’t want someone to insist on the truth? They call people who insist on Obama proving he IS actually qualified to be president a “birther.” What is that? They call us names to keep us from questioning their lies. Climate liars call us names to keep from having to answer our important questions while they continue to lie to us about “global warming” or “climate change,” as they now call it because the globe stopped warming in 2000. This is so typical liberal that I’m surprised more people don’t notice it. (News Busters)

What Does THAT Have to Do With It?

Rachel Maddow actually showed a picture of one man “teabagging” another to illustrate her disdain for the “Tea Parties. So she has disdain for them. So what. Who cares what she thinks, anyway? It’s a typical liberal putdown. A "low blow." This is the kind of thing you can expect from liberals; the lowest common denominator, and something that only SOUNDS similar but has nothing to do with anything. They never try to argue against facts. They just insult and degrade you in the sickest possible way, hoping you’ll forget the facts. (If a conservative tried that, Liberals would still be screaming about it ten years from now). They can put it out, but they can't take it. (Rachel Maddow)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Obama Hates Business

Even though private enterprise is what makes this economy run. There’s nothing about the “private sector” he likes. He has vowed to BANKRUPT the coal industry, which SUPPORTS the energy business. Without it, we have NO electricity and would be living in unlighted huts, like his brother. We would all be living at the expense of others in a socialist nation (and non-workers would be living at the expense of those of us who work). He constantly craps on Wall street, where ALL the money that create the opportunities that create jobs comes from. He criticizes the drug companies that invest BILLIONS in every new medicine, because of federal regulations that costs them a lot of money to bring it to market. He doesn't talk about that when he talks about "overpriced drugs." He wants to LIMIT how much can be made by ALL executives; no matter how much money they bring to their companies. He thinks he has the ability to RUN such companies, but he has never demonstrated an ability to do so.

Everything he has done or suggested makes the economy WORSE. Unemployment continues to go up, while he makes excuses and “crows” about ANY 2% temporary improvement, trying to make us think it is a “signal” that the economy is getting better when it isn’t. This guy is one of the best con men who ever conned his way into the presidency. Now he intends to use his election to make himself into a dictator if he can. Meanwhile, like most politicians, he is becoming a millionaire. He hates profit, even though profit is absolutely NECESSARY for this country to continue to exist. We must make a profit for him to have anything to LOOT from us. Profit is the lubrication that makes this country (and the world) work. Communist China keeps its citizens from making a profit, but IT makes a profit when it sells the fruits of their labor to other countries. (Just common sense)

We'd Be Speaking German Now

A writer asks “What if we fought the Nazis like we are fighting the Taliban and other Islamic terrorists?” That’s a simple answer: “Ver shlaben hagen?” Oh; I forgot. We didn’t. And we won. And that’s the last real war we won because most others have been fought under “rules of engagement” dictated by incompetent (liberal) Democrats. Those wars COULD have been won, but the politicians lost them for us with their stupid policies. (Diana West)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What's WRONG With These People?

Several weeks ago, Nidal Hassan screamed, “Allah Akbar!” as he opened fire on unarmed soldiers just back from deployment. Earlier, he advocated beheading all Infidels (people who don’t believe the way HE does) and pouring boiling oil down their throats. He had business cards with “SOA” (“Soldier of Allah”) printed on them; he contacted several Jihad web sites and exchanged e-mails with a radical Islamic cleric in Yemen. Killing George tiller was a terrorist act; killing a census taker in Kentucky was, too (even though it was later found to be an insurance scam); but people who suggest Ft. Hood is an Islamic terrorist act are dismissed as “racist cranks” and should be forced to take a sensitivity class. Keith Olberman (MSNBC) says Ft. Hood couldn’t have happened because of all the armed people on military bases. Apparently he is ignorant of the fact that military bases are “gun-free zones” except for some on duty personnel who are armed. Olbermann has again embarrassed himself by his ignorance, as have many other dedicated liberal newspeople. (Ann Coulter)

Only Temporary

The unemployment numbers have gone down. “Slightly.” Liberals are hailing that as the “success of the president’s plan.” But it is not. The highest increase is in temporary workers, most hired for the Christmas season—Oh! I forgot. We’re not allowed to call the celebration of the birth of Christ “Christmas.” It’s stupid, but what can you expect from the incompetents Obama has put in his government? This is the same bunch that won’t let us call the “war on terror” the “war on terror.” They want us to call it “man-caused violence” or something equally stupid. They just don’t want to admit we are at WAR with militant Islam. The only difference between Bush’s “surge” and Obama’s, is that Bush's was meant to WIN the war. Obama’s is not (He has SAID so, right out loud). He only wants to get ahead of the Taliban temporarily so he can “get out” and CLAIM victory. His troops are now meeting little resistance in Afghanistan because they’re just waiting until his “pull-out_ date. (Yahoo News/AP)

A UN Gun Control Scheme

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has signaled that the Obama administration would “work hand-in-hand: with the UN to get the global arms treaty signed. “Disguised as legislation to help in the fight against “’terrorism,’ ‘insurgency’ and ‘international crime syndicates,’[ the UN Small Arms Treaty is nothing more than a massive, GLOBAL gun control scheme.” Like most ignorant gun-control freaks, Hillary, Obama, and the UN still think criminals, whose whole reason for being is to breaks the law, will OBEY a law that says they can’t be armed.; when are these people going to get some COMMON SENSE? I, and others, hjave been trying to get through to these people for years. But they aren’t listening. They think they’re smarter than anybody else. (Town Hall)

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A "Beating Heart"

Sen. Boxer compares the feds not paying to kill unborn infants to not paying for Viagra pills for men. What she ignores it there’s a little matter of a “beating heart” involved in the abortion question; something that’s not involved in supplying Viagra to men who have trouble getting an erection. I don’t see the connection between helping impotent men get an erection and killing an innocent, unborn baby, do you? How stupid IS this woman? And how quickly can we get rid of her? (Mercury News)

Down the Niagara River

The way this country is going is very much like drifting down the Niagara River in a canoe, now knowing, and not caring that a waterfall that will kill us is waiting at the end. People (like me) are screaming about it, but the occupants of the canoe are not listening. They’re depending on someone else to paddle the canoe, but when “dying time” comes, ALL will die. Nobody knows that, and all they’d have to do is listen, but they won’t. It’s a “self-solving problem.” When they go over, nobody will be left to warn. Those who “pay attention” will be the only ones left. (Prof. Thomas Sowell)

Iran Thumbing Its Nose Again

The IAEA voted to “censure” Iran for building uranium enrichment plants and not cooperating with their inspections. Like that “censure” means anything to Iran. Now Iran has announced plans to build TEN new plants in the near future. We need to bomb Ahmadinijerk, wherever he is, as quickly as possible. MAYBE that will send a message to the Mullahs who are behind him that building more nuclear plants is not a good idea for Iran leaders. (Guardian)

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Obama Prays To Allah

In the White House. I’m surprised his people allowed a camera in there while he was doing it, unless he figures he’s so solidly in power such a photo can’t hurt him. He’s wrong. There is a move afoot to defeat him in 2012 and replace him with Sarah Palin. There is also an impeachment movement. I’m all for that. Almost ANYBODY would be a better president than him—or Joe—or Nancy—or Harry. Obama has the best insurance against assassination there is: all the people next in line to the presidency are just as bad than he is. If such a thing is possible. (Soda Head)

They're Not Paying Attention

A noted financial expert appeared on CNBC and said we’re in a “deep recession,” maybe even a depression, that the dollar is going to collapse, that there will be a new “world currency” and a “new world order” and nobody, not even the anchor questioning him, reacted. I don’t think they don’t care, they just don’t pay attention! That’s how things like this get by without the outrage it deserves. Obama has spent more money in one year than this entire country has spent in its entire existence, and THAT gets no reaction. Why? Because they’re not paying attention! He’s printing money as fast as he can, and that is creating inflation the like of which we’ve never seen before because you just can’t print money with nothing valuable behind it without making ALL the money already in existence worth less. That’s THEFT on a humongous scale! And nobody cares. Or just do not know. (Just common sense)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Terrorist Attacks Since Obama

After seven years (under Bush) without a terrorist attack on U. S. soil, there have been EIGHT such attacks or attempts since Obama took over as president. And you can expect even more as Islamic extremists purposely get themselves put in prison so they can recruit from among the misfits and screwups they find there. Prison is just one place where they recruit. Another is colleges, where other misfits go to “party” and are like ripe, low-hanging fruit to these terrorists. A good example is the five men who went to Pakistan to train as terrorists, one of which is known to be a college student, and whose own parents “turned them in.” another is the Ft. Hood killings. (Politico)

No Guarantees

The Declaration of Independence states: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." The key word here is “pursuit.” Not “guarantee.” You are not GUARANTEED happiness. You are only given the right to the PURSUIT of happiness. Liberals read this and see a GUARANTEE of happiness, and try their best to provide it. It’s not possible, but they aren’t smart enough to realize that, especially when their feeble efforts to PROVIDE a “guarantee of happiness” do not work out. They think it’s because they didn’t try hard enough. They didn’t tax us enough; they didn’t make enough laws to REQUIRE happiness for us. They weren’t able to convince us that they’re smarter than the rest of us so we would listen to their edicts. They just can’t accept the concept that if they’d just GET OUT OF THE WAY, we’d provide for our own happiness. (Just common sense)

Way Too Much

I’m getting real tired of writing about what politicians and bureaucrats are doing to us. The material is endless. At one time, I was worried about having enough material for my blogs. No more. I’m INUNDATED with material and have to “do triage” to figure out what to eliminate. That’s a hard job, because everything I come across is important. I just have to figure out what is the MOST important. As I get older, I lose energy and the list of things I cover gets smaller because I don’t have energy enough to sit here and type. There are just too many scams and schemes being worked on us for me to be able, as one man, to keep you informed on all of them. You need to do some of it yourself.

Don't; please DON'T continue electing people like Obama and his gang so they can loot us as well as they do. Don't just read the headlines and "buy," hook, line, and sinker, what your governments tell you. They're lying. They've ALWAYS lied to you, and I don't expect them to stop any time soon. Many people start out as honest people, but end up con men because that's what they have to do to get elected. One exception was Ronald Reagan, who REMAINED honest to the day he died. Another is former U. N. Ambassador John Bolton, who ALWAYS says the truth. The liberals "pulled out all the stops" to stop his nomination for that reason. He is not a Fox News analyst because that's all he can get in a world run by liberals. I think he should run for president if Sarah Palin doesn't, in 2012, or vice president if she does. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Feds Get 2% Raise

The rest of us are hoping we’ll still have a job next year (those who still DO have one, that is) and federal employees are getting a 2% RAISE. Social Security recipients (of which I am one) are not going to get a “cost of living” increase for the next TWO years (while what I DO get isn’t nearly enough), but the bureaucrats who decide whether or not we DO, themselves get a raise. How is that fair? Mama told us “life isn’t fair,” and she was right. Especially when you include the federal government in it. (Washington Post)

"They Hurt That Poor Terrorist!"

Three guys who captured the man who murdered several people and strung their bodies up on a bridge for the media to take pictures of are being charged, because this murderous terrorist got some bruises on his precious body in the process. Was he fighting? Did they look to see if these men had any bruises? Were they interested? Talk about telling the enemy we are “weak sisters! If I’d have captured him, I’d have beaten him to death. If he’d have captured me, he’d have BEHEADED me. (Just common sense)

ACORN "Dumped" Sensitive Documents

Right after an investigation into their activities began. The documents were found by a private investigator who went through their trash. They’ll “attack” that PI for going through their trash, even though trash, placed outside, does not require a search warrant (they're not smart enough to shred them). They won’t even TRY to answer the charges against them. They’ll just attack the PI who found the documents they “dumped,” as they did the videojournalist who caught them violating the law. Oh yes. They’ll also attack Fox News for reporting it. (Fox News)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

They Are Heroes!

Those Navy Seals who captured the terrorists who killed four soldiers, dragged them through the streets, and hanged their bodies upside down from bridge struts are HEROES! To ruin their lives by charging them for giving one of the terrorists a “fat lip” is a travesty. They should have given him a lot more than a “fat lip.” These people are TAUGHT to FORCE their captors to hurt them, and claim abuse. They should have shot them on the spot and hung THEM upside down for their friends to see, sending a message to them they would not forget; that we are not the “patsies” we will have become if we follow Obama’s “rules of engagement.” Waiting until someone is KILLED before firing back is plainly STUPID! What the hell is WRONG with the people now running this government? Maybe the Secret Service needs similar “rules of engagement.” But that wouldn’t work, either, considering who is right behind Obama in the succession list. The last thing I’d want is for Obama to die, considering who is vice-president, and Speaker of the House. (Just common sense)

The Great Global warming Hoax

Scientists at England’s University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit (CRU) falsified data, destroyed documents rather than release them under the Freedom of Information Act, manipulated data, etc., etc. sure PROOF that global warming is a hoax, designed to “fleece America,” taking away our rights and forcing us to finance it by laying on many “climate taxes.” This proves what I’ve been trying (unsuccessfully) to tell people for years. But, like most people who SEE what’s going on before others, I have been ridiculed. Now let the ridiculers try. (London Telegraph)

The "Carbon Credits" Swindle

For a long time there I wondered how AlGore could profit from screaming “the sky is falling” over an imaginary ONE DEGREE increase in global temperatures over 100 years. Then I found out how much he charged to give a speech on the subject, and later found out about his “investment” in companies that sold “carbon credits” to people who wanted to keep on polluting at the same levels by buying “carbon credits” from those who did not. This “carbon credits” swindle is one of the biggest and most successful swindles in the history of the world (outside of Obama’s “too big to fail” swindle).

The “personal carbon allowance” in Britain will soon come here, and each one of us will be required to carry a “personal carbon allowance” card to keep track of out personal “carbon usage.” When it is used up (having been arbitrarily set by a faceless, nameless bureaucrat somewhere), we will not be able to function in society unless we pay some bureaucrat somewhere for the right (a right he should not be able to grant or deny). It will also function as a “national ID card,” something liberals have lusted after for a long time. (Common Sense/Paul Jacob)

Sunday, December 6, 2009

"We Lied, But It's True"

The UN Climate Chief says, “. . . hacked e-mails from climate scientists had damaged the image of global warming research but said evidence of a warming Earth is solid.” What the hell is he talking about? The “evidence” of global warming” has NEVER been “solid,” and these hacked e-mails makes it plain that they've been falsifying things. They really expect us to believe a big load of crap, don’t they? AlGore’s people are now pointing out what I’ve been saying all along, that global temperatures are “cyclical.” But he has a quite different “take” on it. He says that “explains” the fact that the globe hasn’t been warming since 2000, but his silly notions are still true. AlGore will go down in history as the second biggest con man in history, right behind Barack Obama. Gore only conned us out of billions. Obama has conned us out of TRILLIONS and the presidency. (Yahoo News/AP)

Mallard Again

As usual, Mallard Fillmore hits it right on the head in three frames. This time the subject is “everything’s racist if it’s against Obama.” This time showing how his “captive media” does a lot of the work for him. This is how they convince us of something: repeat it over and over again and “investigate” it to death. Soon they have us believing the lie and people will FIGHT you if you try and set them straight. (Mallard Fillmore)

It's A Fantasy

Funny how comic strips can “hit it right on the head.” This one does it nicely. Other times they miss it altogether. One thing I like about Crankshaft is that he has a definite flair with words. He can say more with a twisted statement than if he made any sense at all. I am a lot like him in some ways, but not others. I can always count on him to get right to the root of the matter. (Crankshaft)

Saturday, December 5, 2009


I don’t know for sure that Obama is incompetent, or if he is “purposely incompetent.” But everything he does makes this economy WORSE. If he doesn’t realize it is his actions that are driving us deeper in recession and closer to depression, he is incompetent. If he DOES realize it, he is EVIL. He has not only done incompetent things, he has surrounded himself with equally incompetent people who support his actions, which every day, with every action, make this economy worse and worse. The American people, most of whom “don’t pay attention to politics,” don’t realize this, which leads to things like a woman telling me frankly that she likes Obama and doesn’t want to hear anything against him while another accused me of “slandering” our president (how telling the truth about him is slander, I don’t know). (Just common sense).

Comics Tell The Tale

Sometimes. This one shows a couple of really stupid “solutions” to AlGore’s imaginary “global warming” swindle the cartoonist has apparently” bought,” hook, line and sinker. They really oughtn’t give Al any stupid ideas. Next week there’ll be a speech somewhere about these “solutions,” during which three journalists who ask him “tough questions” will be thrown through the front windows. (Adam @ Home)

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Navel Gazing

NAVEL GAZING: Scientists at the University of East Anglia are mounting an “investigation” to see if their scientists really did falsify the data they’ve been feeding AlGore and others. “The university said in an e-mail statement that its review will examine the e-mails and other information ‘to determine whether there is any evidence of the manipulation or suppression of data which is at odds with acceptable scientific practice.’ “ They’re going to “examine” e-mails that show without a doubt that they were heavily involved in the global deception to see if they really are. They still insist that these e-mails notwithstanding, their findings will not change their original findings. They say this BEFORE examining them. Does that tell you anything about what their “findings” will be? “The university said former civil servant Muir Russell would lead the inquiry. Russell said in the statement that he ‘has no links to either the university or the climate science community.’ " Yeah, riiight! The upshot is, AlGore’s massive swindle has been exposed and they are now engaged in “damage control.” (Yahoo News/AP)

Does He Really Think We Care?

Ahmadinijerk says he’ll “clasp the hand” of America. All we have to do is “throw Israel under the bus” and stop trying to get him to stop trying to get nuclear weapons. Does he think we’re STUPID? What has he got to offer in return? With Obama in office, he might be right. But there are still many people in this country with common sense, and with enough power to give Obama a lot of trouble if he tried these things. Doing them might just be enough to get him impeached. Frankly, I hope he tries it. That would be one of the quickest ways of getting rid of this bloodsucking looter. (IBD Editorials)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What Part Does He Not Understand?

We’re AT WAR with Islamic terrorists! That’s a fact! But one Obama and his “gang of thieves” just don’t understand. Apparently there’s a lot he doesn’t understand (or would use to his own advantage). For instance, he can’t understand how capitalism and the profit motive led this country to do more, and be more successful in less than 300 years than countries that have been in existence for THOUSANDS of years. He has been heard to say “Victory in Afghanistan is not a goal.” Why then, are we over there letting Islamic terrorists kill our young men and women while he spends more money at home than this country has spent since its inception? I don’t think the man is stupid. I think he is VILE! He will DESTROY this country and its economy and we will end up with a collectivist (socialist, fascist) government (the next Soviet Union). Hopefully, I’ll be dead by then. If not, I’ll be in prison for telling him to “go to hell” when his people come to steal what’s mine.(Just common sense)

Jumping to Conclusions

Obama says we shouldn’t “jump to conclusions” about Muslim Major Nadil Malik Hasan’s reasons for murdering 13 people in a “gun-free zone” on a military base at Ft. Hood. This, from a man who rushed to call a sworn police officer who arrested a mouthy professor to “shut him up” so he could leave this jerk’s house without his lip wrapped around his shoulder. Now he’s “chiding” us for “jumping to an OBVIOUS conclusion that Hasan’s actions WERE an Islamic terrorist act. What a stupid jerk this president is! We need to get rid of this idiot as soon as possible. Hopefully, some time BEFORE he destroys this economy and “changes” this country into a collectivist (socialist, fascist) state. (Ann Coulter)

Laughable If Not So Serious

“TEHRAN, Iran – Iran on Sunday denounced as 'disgraceful' U.S. moves to seize four mosques and a New York City skyscraper owned by a Muslim nonprofit organization suspected of Iranian links. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said the moves show that President Barack Obama's slogan for change was deceitful and he was no different from his predecessor George W. Bush.” This, from a country run by a man who was intimately involved in his country’s kidnap of hundreds of American Diplomats. What a stupid con game diplomacy is! (Yahoo News/AP)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

They Just Won't Listen!

We tell them and tell them logical conclusions, but they ignore us. They won’t even answer. We ask them what makes them think a CRIMINAL, who makes his LIVING breaking the law, will OBEY a law saying he can’t be armed. We ask them what makes them think the route to self-defense is DISARMING ourselves? And the answer? Silence. And they go right on making their stupid laws, which only penalize HONEST people who DO obey laws. It just makes of them, “easy targets” for criminals, who do not. The ONLY unsuccessful mass shooting recently was stopped by ONE GUN in the hands of a woman not afraid to use it, who ended the shooting spree in a Colorado Springs church by shooting the shooter.

It’s a proven fact that in areas where guns are easy to obtain and legal to carry, violent crime figures GO DOWN. Liberals and other gun-hating fools deny this, but they can’t prove their denials. They just SAY it and hope we’ll believe it. In one case in Texas, where a licensed gun carrier was forced to leave her gun in the car by law when she and her parents went in a restaurant to eat, she had to watch as her parents were gunned down by a man with an ILLEGAL gun, right in front of her eyes. Just think about how different the story would have been if she had been allowed to carry her licensed gun inside. (Just common sense)

"Dog and Pony Show"

We were “trying” terrorists quite successfully using military tribunals at Gitmo. Why do we now need to bring them to New York and give them constitutional rights to which they are NOT entitled? While giving them a “recruiting platform” from which to recruit more terrorists? How about those misfits and killers already in jail to which they will now have access? Jail is one of the best places for them to recruit misfits and criminals to their cause. Why are we HELPING them? Because Obama WANTS to help them while maintaining the FICTION that he’s PROSECUTING them. Did we bring Heinrich Himmler to the U. S. to prosecute him for his war crimes during WWII? No. Because the ignorant liberals did not yet have the kind of control they now have. These people are WAR CRIMINALS! They’re not ENTITLED to constitutional rights and to be tried as “common criminals.” They should have been shot on the spot when they were captured so they could not use our own system (which they consider a weakness) against us. They certainly have no qualms about shooting or even BEHEADING those THEY capture. (Reuters)

Answer The Damned Question!

A newsman pointedly asked Nancy “Peelosi” if she thought it was a “good thing” to send those who refused to follow government ORDERS to buy health insurance to PRISON? After several times trying to give a typically political non-answer, she finally said “yes,” she thought is WAS “a good thing” to send them to prison. Frankly, that’s what they’re going to have to do to ME because I will NOT “follow orders to buy their insurance. I don’t have it now because I can’t afford it. This law will not change that. (Just common sense)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

It's Unconstitutional

But they don’t care. They figure we’re powerless to stop them from trampling on our rights. They CONTROL the means of prosecution for those who violate them (so few “charges” are ever going to be laid), and the courts are peopled by those who look at life the same way they do (and any filed will be “thrown out” by their friendly judges). So they’ll rule their way even if it IS unconstitutional. Now they’re ready to force their way into your home “to ensure that parents are protecting their children from household accidents.” This is just the latest excuse to allow “government agents” to force their way into your home without a warrant. That violates the Constitution, but they don’t care. This is happening in England now, but it will soon come here if Obama has anything to do with it. (Times On Line)

Warden Peelosi

“Failure to buy health insurance in the recently passed (in the House) health care bill could get you five years in jail with a $250,000 fine. How can violating a law that's unconstitutional be a felony? The passage in the dark of night of the House health care measure by a fragile 220-215 margin may well prove to be a Pyrrhic victory. In polls, Townhall meetings and Tea Parties, Americans have shown they don't want a 'reform' that costs a staggering $1.2 trillion yet fails to meet the left's desire of insuring all the uninsured.” But they have no such desire. Their only desire is complete and total CONTROL over all Americans. If this gets to the Senate and it is passed, we’re doomed. (Investor’s Daily)

Mallard Right Again

Often, Tinsley “gets it right” in his comic strip, Mallard Fillmore.” This one gets it right on the nose in one picture, concerning the Obama gang of thieves and their “attack” on Fox News, which is seriously adding to their viewership and making other news sources mad. (Mallard fillmore)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A "Secret Revolution"

"Not all revolutions begin in the streets with tanks and guns. Some advance slowly, almost imperceptibly, until a nation is transformed and the public realizes too late that their freedoms are gone." (Cal Thomas) This is something I’ve been trying for some time to convince people about, but nobody’s listening. One woman told me flat out, “I like Obama and I don’t want to hear a word against him.” Another one accused me of “slandering our president” (Truth is not “slander”), reminding me we still live in a country where I CAN slander him without going to prison. That’s no fault of Obama’s, and I’m sure he’s working hard to "correct" it. This IS a “revolution” that began with the “bloodless coup” that brought Obama and his gang of thieves to power. Soon we will be the next Soviet Union (under a different name, of course) and nobody (except people like me and Cal Thomas, who pay attention) will be able to figure out how it happened. (Cal Thomas)

How Liberals "Shut Us Down"

Sgt. Chris Edmundson, a decorated police officer in the Raton, New Mexico police department, has been charged with manslaughter, even though his actions did not contribute to the death of a man in custody, one who was a member of a powerful Hispanic family there. The subject was "out of his mind” on dope, which killed him. Using a Taser on him had nothing to do with his death, and, in fact, didn’t even phase him. This powerful family “leaned on” somebody to get these charges filed, and even threatened witnesses that might have helped Edmondson. Even if he wins, he will be financially ruined. This “puts the fear of God” into police officers all over the country, making them “think twice” before doing what is necessary to subdue a man who is “crazy dangerous” on dope. That “second thought” might mean the death of a cop or one of his colleagues. (Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund)

Everything Is Racist

The Obama folks (and Obama) told us if we elected him, we would destroy racism forever in the United States. Like most of the things we’ve been told by this crowd, that’s a lie. EVERYTHING done to put roadblocks in this crazy liberal’s way is labeled “racist” and this Mallard Fillmore strip illustrates it perfectly. (Mallard Fillmore)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

"Bradford's Experiment"

I've posted this before, and I'm going to post it again, every year. It's a story that needs to be known because it has been twisted way out of shape by historians and the news media. The “experiment” attempted by William Bradford, when colonists first came to this country, involved ALL colonists growing crops with them being “owned in common” and deposited into a “common store,” with each colonists owning ONE share, even if their labors contributed more than that. Sound familiar? Collectivism; socialism; many years BEFORE the birth of Karl Marx, whose writings CREATED the biggest example of the FAILURE of collectivism, which was called COMMUNISM. School books teach us that the colony finally succeeded after starving for the first year with many colonists dying (including Bradford’s wife) because the local Indians taught them how to survive and that this feast was to thank them. Not true. The whole story is a lie, fabricated by those who still wish to force collectivism on an unsuspecting populace. The reality is that their collectivist society did not work. It gave the colonists no INCENTIVE to produce more for SOMEONE ELSE than they would for themselves.

Nobody is going to work harder for the benefit of OTHERS, not themselves. It’s just not human nature. The feast was one of THANKSGIVING for their success after they ABANDONED the collectivist scheme. But don’t expect the truth to ever be taught in our schools because the truth will not advance the collectivist philosophy (which the liberals are still pushing), which has been proven to fail every time it has been tried. So why do they keep pushing it? POWER! A collectivist society allows certain people to have POWER over the rest. Never mind it doesn’t work. It will last as long as the current collectivists, who intend to be “in charge,” are alive; and that’s all they care about. The true and complete story of Thanksgiving is that CAPITALISM and the “free market” succeeds every time it is “unleashed.” But collectivists are still trying, hundreds of years later, to “shape” it into something that works (They still say it has never been tried properly). Bradford decided early to ABANDON it, and his colony succeeded beyond their wildest dreams. We need to do the same. (Physician Entrepreneur)

Obama vs. Fox News

Many people wonder why Obama and his crowd hate Fox News. This Mallard Fillmore cartoon lays it out perfectly and in few words. He hates them because they don’t “show the proper respect.” They have the audacity to tell the TRUTH about both him and his accomplices and he doesn’t like that. (Mallard Fillmore)

Government Pirates

Sometimes comic strips hit it right on the head. Everybody knows “Hagar the Horrible” makes his living stealing from the English. Next, the king’s tax collectors come to steal what he has stolen. Nobody, not even Hagar thinks this is wrong, but the king laying unnecessary taxes on his people for silly reasons is exceeding his authority--or should be. In Obama's case, it IS. He's not a KING--yet. (Hagar)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Why Won't People Notice?

The tone of questioners is quite different when they’re questioning a young boy who won’t say the pledge” until certain things happen (his right) and when they’re interviewing (“questioning”) a Tea Party protester. Their very tone of voice tells me a lot. But it “falls on deaf ears” to others. They don’t even notice the “kid gloves” used on this kid and the “sledge hammer” used on the Tea Party protesters who are simply trying to save them from themselves. (DBKP)

They Got Smart!

I thought they never would. Pirates tried to attack the same ship they attacked before, kidnapping its captain, until American troops attacked THEM and killed a few, freeing the captain. Other ships refused to arm themselves, leaving them to be “easy prey” for pirates. Something our liberals want for each and every one of us in this country. They SAY "the way to self defense is to DISARM ourselves." This ship’s captain just proved them wrong when he and his crew fought off a feeble attempt by pirates expecting yet another “easy job” in taking over his ship. Not this time. He had armed his crew and told them to fight, which they did, effectively. The pirates were repulsed, as they should be. Of course, the way things are going in the boardrooms, this captain and his crew will probably be fired for violating “company policy.” (Yahoo News/AP)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

"Taking Swipes" At Obama

The news media is saying Bush “took swipes” at Obama in a recent speech. I guess telling the truth about what he’s doing is “taking swipes” at him. What I saw in his remarks is simply setting the record straight on a number of things. I’d like to know where Obama has room to talk. He “takes swipes” at Bush every time he says “we inherited this problem” or mentions the imaginary “eight years of Bush’s incompetence.” Does he think Bush will stay silent forever while he (Obama) falsely cuts him down day after day? (Stu Blog)

Pre-Existingt Conditions and Logic

“Ending the insurance companies’ discrimination against pre-existing conditions” is not logical. If they do that, I don’t have to have insurance until I get, say, cancer. THEN I buy it and they’re FORCED to pay for my treatment while I have not been paying for insurance UNTIL I get sick. This is the kind of STUPIDITY you can expect from Democrats and liberals. (

UN Flees After Afghan Attack

Proving again their complete lack of ability to do ANYTHING to protect themselves, the United Nations (which is very good at putting money in their own pockets) has moved their offices out of Afghanistan, fleeing possible future attacks. I guess a good way to get rid of them is to attack them; they’ll flee. Nothing moves out faster than a UN member under attack. (Yahoo News/AP)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

They Call Us "Extremists"

But actually, we’re the only SANE people out there: the ones who pay attention” to what this current crop of liberal looters are doing to us and are outraged. They call us “extremists” to discredit us (they hope) and keep us from preventing their looting of this entire country. People who “pay no attention to politics” just don’t believe the people they voted into office are con men and thieves. Those con men DAILY lie to us while they’re spending OUR money in such large amounts people can’t even PICTURE it. They make laws that “hem us in” more and more every day with more restrictions on what we may do, and what decisions WE may make. The Homeland Security Department is actively TARGETING “The Tea Party” people, calling them “right-wing extremists. For WHAT? For opposing their efforts to loot us and enslave us?

I’ve never been to a Tea Party event, but if I was able, I’d certainly be there. So if they want to come and get me, they’re welcome. They’re “worried” about “violence from right-wing extremists," even though ALL the violence so far has been from THEIR union thugs. The “Tea Party “ people are good Americans who are FED UP with Obama and his “gang of thieves” in Washington “taking over” our lives and using our money to do it. People better start paying more attention to what they’re doing or this country is going to be the next Soviet Union (under a different name). I'm really frustrated. I've been screaming about what they're doing since 2000, and BEFORE, but nobody's listening! I don't know what else I can do. I feel like Alexander Solzynitzen did when he lived in Russia. But there's nowhere in the world for me to go. If my country goes down the same collectivist (socialist, communist, fascist) road as Russia, there is no "free country" to which I can flee; and I'm too old and broken to do much fleeing, anyway.

I'm AFRAID for my country! Like never before. I feel so helpless, while Obama and his thugs steal everything we own and make this into "worker's paradise" like Russia was, and still is (under a different name). They've been telling "The BIg Lie" for a long time, and we're to the point where ignorant people will FIGHT YOU if you try and set them straight. Rush Limbaugh has been doing it for a long time. Sean Hannity too, and Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and others. But what do they get from some Americans? Scorn and diatribes against them, which means they ARE being somewhat effective. But unfortunately, not enough, as witness the people in power in Washington, right now. The only way to stop them from RAPING us is to vote their supporters (in Congress) out of office in 2010, then get rid of Obama in 2012, or even before that if possible. (Bayou Buzz)

111 New Bureaucracies!

Obama promised to enlarge the government, and he is KEEPING that promise (If he succeeds, that is). He will have created 111 new bureaucracies with one stroke of his pen if his health care swindle bill passes. The “public option,” like the monster in a horror film never goes away. Just when you think it’s dead, it reappears and scares the hell out of us again. It has reappeared again in Pelosi/Obama’s “written in secret” bill to be presented to Congress (all 1900 pages of it) next week (long before ANYBODY could have read it). My Gawd, these people must think we’re stupid! And most of us ARE, because they don’t “pay attention to politics.;” (Dan Spencer)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

NOT Islamic Terrorism?

NOT ISLAMIC TERRORISM? How STUPID does Obama think we are? The shooter at Ft. Hood shouted “Allah Akbar!" As he started shooting and killing unarmed soldiers just back from overseas (except for soldiers on duty, military bases are "gun-free zones" so how did he even get his guns on base?). He has made posts on extremist web sites comparing suicide bombers who have murdered many innocent people to soldiers “falling on grenades” to save their friends (that is REALLY stupid); He wanted to SUE the Army (which paid for his education) to avoid being sent to Iran or Afghanistan. Days before the shooting he was seen wearing his “religious clothing” in a 7-11 (and people wonder why we MENTION his religion!). He used his position as a “counselor” to attempt to RECRUIT for “Jihad.” Yet they are STILL saying his shooting spree is NOT Islamic terrorism because they haven’t yet found a connection between him and al Qaida (he doesn't need to be a "card-carrying terrorist" to BE an Islamic tgerrorist). What stupidity! How much evidence do they NEED? Obama is just trying to maintain the FICTION that Jihadists have not made an attack IN the United States by simply calling it something else. They’re calling it “PRE-post traumatic stress syndrome (What a TWISTED way to describe it!) Of course, this military psychiatrist has never BEEN in a “war zone.”He really thinks we are stupid enough to buy this crap. (Glossy News)

"Driving Moderates Out"

The media says “Palin, Tea Party protesters driving moderates out of GOP.” So what? Who needs them? A “moderate” is simply a liberal disguised as a Republican. I’m glad SOMETHING is “driving them out.” I just wish it would happen faster. Arlen specter is gone, and good riddance. Now it’s time for Olympia Snowe to stop her “snowe job” and be gone, too. Yes, we might lose a couple of seats. But if Republicans start acting like the conservatives they’re SUPPOSED to be, we’ll win them back in short order. (CNN/Anderson Cooper)

Obama's Downfall

I may be premature in writing that headline. I hope not. Republicans won the governor’s races in New Jersey and Virginia, both considered “key races” in Obama’s bid to retain absolute power in Washington. Since the only hope to stop Obama’s madness is to erode his voting base, this election, we hope, is the “vanguard” of a Republican sweep in 2010 and 2012. Obama has had his try, and has been “found wanting.” Hopefully, this election (and possibly the ones following) will signal his political doom and this insane socialist can recede into the mists of history, where he belongs. (MSN)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Suppressing global Warming Debate

AlGore says “the debate is over” on global warming, now called “climate change” because the globe is no longer warming. But it isn’t. It’s just being suppressed. “After stifling a report questioning the science behind climate change, the EPA is censoring two of its lawyers for saying the proposed solutions are also problematical. The debate isn't over. It's being suppressed. In the proud tradition of EPA whistle-blower Alan Carlin, whose leaked study blew the lid off the EPA's hyped and flawed science behind climate change, two EPA lawyers, Laurie Williams and Allan Zabel, have produced a Web video titled ‘A Huge Mistake.’ In it they say cap-and-trade in general and the Waxman-Markey bill in particular are the wrong answers anyway.” This tells me one thing: “The fix is in.” Top bureaucrats in the EPA have “bought” Gore’s swindle and are doing everything they can to stifle dissent. I expect these two to be fired soon, on some “trumped up” charges not connected to this report. (Investor’s Business Daily)

We Can't Afford It!

We can’t afford what we’ve got now. How does Obama plan to pay for another TRILLION dollar’s worth of health care spending? The answer is, he doesn’t. He figures he can put off payment long enough for our grandchildren or GREAT grandchildren to have to pay for it, while he will be dead. Having died a dictator who brought us collectivism (fascism). He now has what he has dreamed of for many years. Control of more money than even HE can spend in what’s left of his miserable life. He never has to TOUCH a dollar bill any more. If he wants to, someone will hand him one. So he’s not worried about a limit on what he can spend. He’ll be dead before it runs out. (Just common sense)

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Drug War Still Useless

And it gives government excuses to do things (“to fight drugs, dontcha know”) they couldn’t do without this excuse. There are more people abusing drugs now than there were BEFORE the “drug war” started. All it does is make sure drug prices remain high. So what use is it? For one thing, it allowed them to pass the RICO Laws, which allow them to “stop and search” ANYBODY without warrants, if they “LOOK LIKE” drug dealers, and “confiscate” (steal) any money they find on them upon which drug residue can be found (never mind there is drug residue on every bill out there, and some still at the Mint!). This “war” has been worth a LOT of money to them and has made CRIMINALS out of many cops who no longer “fight the drug war,” but now try and “confiscate” (steal) as much money as possible. They even have SEMINARS (for cops) on how to “confiscate” (steal) more money. They’ve got more VICTIMS of the “drug scene” in prison now, than they do real criminals. Let them go, and magically, the “overcrowding” problem disappears. (Freedom’s Phoenix)

Under Clinton

Eric Holder, Mark Rich pardon; Then six-year-old Elian Gonzales forcefully captured and shipped off to Cuba, that Island prison run by the Castros; after campaigning on “no new taxes,” his first month in office saw one of the biggest tax increases yet, and it was unconstitutional, being retroactive; Laws were changed (unconstitutionally and traitorously), allowing us to teach the communist Chinese how to aim their missiles without breaking the law; Clinton got oral sex in the White House while important people waited in the outer office; he taught America’s children that oral sex was NOT sex, and increased the incidence of oral sex among high schoolers, and even among some grade schoolers; almost 100 people died (many of them children) at Waco, Texas, at the hands of his Attorney General. These are just a FEW of the things that happened under Clinton. These are only some of the reasons why I say Clinton was one of our worst presidents in years (outside of Jimmy Carter). (Just common sense)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

"Imprisoned Indefiniteley?"

That seems to be the current “chant” from liberals about the terrorist murderers in Gitmo. They don’t think they should be held prisoner “indefinitely.” Why not? If that’s the only way to keep them from killing more innocent people? We could just shoot them. Or treat them like they do us and behead them. But Noooo! We don’t do things like that. So we ultimately turn them loose so they can kill again. People like this SHOULD be “held indefinitely” since we won’t kill them, as they would us. (Just common sense)

Congresional Ethics Scrutiny

Almost half of Congress is under “ethics scrutiny, according to Fox News (Oh, NO! Fox News, the only news source that tells the truth, and thus is roundly hated by Democrats!) Watch for the White House to tell us all about how much they lie (They don’t. The White House DOES.). John Murtha is one of the best-known names on this list because he has the biggest mouth, out of which come some amazing lies; like the one about American soldiers committing wanton murder in Iraq and Afghanistan (since proven to be a lie, and no apology). Remember; these are the people who are making laws to keep YOU honest. These people should be given an “eviction notice” from Congress. (Fox News)

Obama Lies, Media Yawns

At least they’re not “marveling” (yet) at what a good liar he is, as they did with Bill (Bull) Clinton. He says he “saved or created” x number (never mind what number' it's made up, anyway) of jobs. How do you count “saved jobs? You don’t. And people are beginning to recognize Obama’s lies. How do you tell when Obama is lying? His mouth is moving and sounds are coming out. Or he writes something and it is published. Like Bill (Bull) Clinton, he’d rather lie than tell the truth, even when the truth would serve better. You can depend on it. He sounds so sincere when he’s lying that many people (who don’t pay attention to politics) buy it. I don’t. I “pay attention.” I KNOW what’s going on. (Rush Limbaugh)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Still Denying Terrorism

The Obama “gang of thieves” still deny we’re “at war” with Islamic terrorists because there’s not a recognizable country involved. An Army major who IS a Muslim, and who has SENT MONEY to terrorists, who shouted “Allah Akbar” (“God is Good!”), as he murdered 13 soldiers in a “gun-free zone” on a military base, a standard thing for Islamic terrorists to shout as they murder innocents, cannot be CALLED a terrorist. Obama, won’t even USE the term, “Islamic terrorists” any more, preferring to call it “man-caused atrocities,” continues to deny any connection to “Jihad” by Major Nidal Hasan even as the evidence continues to mount that he IS, in fact, an Islamic terrorist, previously undiscovered, even though he told anybody who would listen that he WAS, even to the extent of trying to RECRUIT his patients for “the cause.” Obama is either STUPID or is willfully ENABLING Islamic terrorism. You decide. (Just common sense)

Specter Bait and Switch

Arlen Specter went back to the Democrats because it became apparent he was never a REAL Republican and he figured he wouldn’t be re-elected as a Republican. The same reason in reverse that caused him to BECOME a Republican in the first place. Now he’s reversing his position on the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy and says, “my feelings on that have evolved.” Evolved? That’s just another way to say “I’ve changed my mind after getting elected on that policy.” Who does he think he’s fooling? (Glenn Beck)

No Government Answer

"Much of what government does is based on the premise that people can't do things for themselves. So government must do it for them. More often than not, the result is a ham-handed, bumbling, one-size-fits-all approach that leaves the intended beneficiaries worse off. Of course, this resulting failure is never blamed on the political approach -- on the contrary, failure is taken to mean the government solution was not extravagant enough." This is the government (liberal) answer to EVERYTHING. If it works (which it never does), it’s because the government “took care of it.” If it doesn’t, they didn’t rape you enough. That’s “standard operating procedure” in government. (John Stossel)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What'll It Take?

Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA) was present when his gay partner was arrested for growing pot in his apartment. He was not charged. The liberal media was not interested, as they usually aren’t when a DEMOCRAT gets in trouble. They weren’t interested when a previous gay partner was found to be running a gay whorehouse out of his apartment. In the pot case, he said “I don’t know what a pot plant looks like!” He DOESN’T? He’s a United States REPRESENTATIVE! I even know what a pot plant looks like! And I’m probably one of the few people living who have never smoked pot. I’ve seen one on television. It is unbelievable to me that he has never seen one! If he doesn’t know what one looks like, he is unalterably STUPID and has no business BEING in Congress. Congress doesn’t seem much interested in punishing him for his stupid acts, either.

Yes, they did “slap his hands” when the whorehouse in his apartment was found. WAS he completely unaware of this? I doubt it. He helped install the “Citizen’s Reinvestment Act of 1976” into law. You know, the law that FORCED lenders to loan money to deadbeats and led to the biggest financial meltdown since the depression of 1929, and all to ensure the election of Democrats in the 2008 elections? He was also instrumental in creating and running Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, those two federally run corporations that bought up all those “toxic” mortgages created by the monster HE created, while siphoning off money for the top executives (to act as a "safety valve" until they needed to shut it off just before the 2008 election to guarantee the election of many Democrats. I also find it hard to believe some of that money didn’t end up in his pocket. What will it take to get this obvious CRIMINAL out of the Congress? Apparently, even ten years of a Republican administration couldn’t do it. This guy needs to be in PRISON, not the Congress. Will it ever happen? Probably not. (My Fox, Boston)

"Thought Crime"

This Orwellian concept is rife in the “hate crimes laws” now being promoted in congress. It punishes us for what we’re “thinking.” There are already laws against any kind of violence, But these "hate crime" laws punish you for your thoughts. I hate bigots as much as anybody, but passage of these laws only give our politicians a way to punish people for things THEY don’t like. After its passage, all it takes is for a bureaucrat to DECLARE it a “hate crime” to put into effect a completely new set of systems that violate our constitutional rights, and for WHAT? To punish someone for his THOUGHTS? (Jacob Sullum)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Peelosi's Swindle Passes in the Dead of Night

They passed the Pelosi Health Care swindle in the “dead of night,” of course, even though Americans were “beating on their doors” to tell them they wanted no part of it. But Democrats don’t care. THEY want it, and that’s all that matters to them. The only way to stop them is to boot them out of office at the first opportunity, which is in 2010. Don’t miss this election. If you do, you have only yourself to blame for the result. Notice it won by only FIVE VOTES. Hopefully, better brains will prevail in the Senate and it will be soundly trounced.(McClatchy)

Pushing Mediocrity

That’s the goal of the left. To accomplish it, they PUNISH achievement. That’s what they spend most of their time doing. One of the most recent and largest efforts was the suit against Microsoft, a company that has created more millionaires and, yes, even BILLIONAIRES and even highly-paid employees than any other. The company that literally CREATED the home computer (although not without flaws). Yes, McIntosh builds a better computer, But they don’t know how to PROMOTE their computers, so they own much less of the computer market than does Microsoft. Some say Gates STOLE the operating system now known as the single most-used OS in the world. He didn’t. He BOUGHT the original version of Windows from people who neither knew how to make it better, NOR how to properly PROMOTE it (the same people from which Jobs got his version of it). Thus, he (and all the people who “hitched onto his star) profited from it. And this is what the liberals hate with a passion. Achievement. They work hard to “bring down” such people for the very reason that they cannot equal their accomplishments. (Kimberly Wingfield)

Thursday, November 5, 2009

We Won't "Shut Up!"

Obama is trying mightily to get us to “shut up” if we disagree with his insane actions. He has painted us as “Nazis,” “un-American,” and as “thugs.” They call us "extremists."Forgetting entirely that the only thugs in this picture work for him. He thinks that will make us shut up, or will discredit us. The only people in whose eyes we are “discredited” are his accomplices, who don’t listen to us, anyway. We’re not afraid of being called names. We will continue to tell the truth about him until he makes an unconstitutional law to stop us. And that will not stop us either. The only way to shut us up is to kill us. Let's talk about "extreme": [Valerie] "Jarrett is the White House official who bragged openly about recruiting disgraced Marxist rabble-rouser Van Jones for the green jobs czar post. She lavished praise on his public career and said she had followed him "for as long as he's been active out in Oakland." In Oakland, Jones was working to dismantle California's juvenile justice system, pitting minorities against police officers and crusading to free death row cop-killer Mumia abu Jamal." These are the people calling US extreme. At least, we don't support admitted communists for high office.
(Michelle Malkin)

Ayn Rand on Socialized Medicine

The left hates Ayn Rand. Mostly because she’s right, and she tells the truth about their scams and schemes, even before they concoct them. She has LIVED under a socialist/communist regime and couldn’t get away fast enough. She has written many “tomes” about her philosophy, Objectivism, most of which I can’t read because they are paralyzingly boring. She tends to repeat herself a lot. But not in her fiction stories, which, while a bit “dated” now, still do a good job of showing the end result of what is happening NOW in our lives while telling a fascinating fiction story. I once asked, “What is happening NOW that is similar to what happened in her fictional world?” But after learning about objectivist philosophy and “paying attention to politics” for a while, I now can see the answer to my earlier question, and so can you if you pay attention only to what she is telling you. (Atlasphere/Eroka Holzer)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Unconstitutional Laws

Our lawmaking bodies are constantly and (if we let them) passing laws that are patently unconstitutional, then enforcing them until somebody who has enough money to hire expensive lawyers and take it to court succeeds in having it DECLARED unconstitutional. It happened in Colorado, where Democrats attempted to pass a law allowing them to steal . . . er, uh, confiscate cars driven by people who don’t have their driver’s licenses with them. It would be “cruel and unusual punishment, since that car might be worth $50,000. A BIG punishment for a small paper violation. But it “went down in flames,” losing by almost 2 to 1. I guess we’re not TOTALLY stupid yet. But they’ll try again, count on it. That's their Z"modus operandi." Come at us over and over until they "wear us down." (Denver Post)

21 Paragraphs

21 PARAGRAPHS: The mayor of Birmingham, Alabama, apparently a black man, was convicted in 60 cases of bribery and corruption for receiving bribes totaling about $250,000.00 from a “money-man” who wore a suit jacket with dollar signs weaved into the fabric and gold lapels to court (who happened to be the Democrat Party Chairman). He is a Democrat, but it took 21 PARAGRAPHS for the Associated Press to reveal that, and it was mentioned only once in the article. The mayor used “the race card,” saying the only reason he was convicted is that there were only three blacks on the jury. Sounds like a load to me. (Breitbart)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Screwed Up Priorities

“What are we to make of a White House visitors list that includes 22 swiftly scheduled appointments with a union boss at a time when Gen. Stanley McChrystal can't get face time with the commander in chief?” This just proves that Obama spoke the truth (a rarity) when he said, “Victory is not an option in Afghanistan.” He means to leave all the soldiers who are “in harm’s way” there and he doesn’t care how many get killed because of his laxity. Frankly, I think he wants the Islamic terrorists to WIN. (IBD Editorials)

Cops Getting Rich

They’re doing it by not arresting the “Bad guys” because they’re committing crimes, but arresting those who can afford them the most “loot.” They no longer have to prove anybody guilty of a crime to steal . . . er, confiscate their property. All they have to do is ALLEGE wrongdoing and take any property they wish. They can even scan your pockets (Remember those little microscopic “lines” buried in all the new money? They “broadcast” their denomination and presence to “scanners” the cops can “run over you” as you pass by to see if you’re carrying enough for it to be worth while to mug you. Then they take your money, saying “it’s PROBABLY drug money.” No proof needed, and the burden of proof is on YOU to prove it’s not, after posting a bond, promising to pay THEIR expenses, win or lose (if you have any money left). In Colorado, they're trying to make a law saying they can "confiscate" (steal) your car if you don't have your driver's license with you. Talk about "cruel and unusual punishment!" (Paul Jacob)

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Showcasing Their Incompetence

Obama and his accomplices think they’re “showcasing” the need for their health care swindle with their "swine flu pandemic" scam; they’re not. They’re showcasing the incompetence of government to do ANYTHING with the shortage of vaccine they’re suffering. If they were COMPETENT, there would BE no shortage of vaccine and no “controversy” over whether or not to even GET the vaccine. It would be produced in a timely fashion and their PR campaign would have long since convinced those who are “on the line” of its efficacy and safety. (Town Hall/Dick Morris)

Idiot Obama Appointment

Anita Dunn, who claims to be “impressed” by two philosophers, Mao Tse Tung and Mother Theresa, is just stupid. If you’re “impressed” by one, you cannot be “impressed” by the other. Mao said things like, “[T]he death of ten to twenty million people is nothing to be afraid of", while Mother Theresa said things like, "Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend ... on the pleasure of anyone else." Anita Dunne is as incompetent as are most of Obama’s appointees. And she’s a “Mao lover” to boot. You cannot like Mao Tse Tung AND Mother Theresa. You’re lying about one of them. (Dr. Paul Kengor/Town Hall)

Friday, October 30, 2009

Reaganism Is NOT Dead!

They tried to say “God is dead,” a few years ago. They were wrong then and they’re wrong now. They KNOW they’re wrong, which makes it a lie. Reaganism is a “way of thinking.” It’s as timeless today as it was in the eighties. He LOWERED taxes and created one of the biggest, longest-lasting economic booms in recent memory. Bush did it, too. With smaller, but similar results. He DEFEATED the Soviets; something the liberals said never could be done. By a simple system: capitalism. It is NOT “Reaganism.” It is INDIVIDUALISM and capitalism. Don’t buy their lies. There is not another Reagan out there. But Sarah Palin is as close as we can come. An unabashed conservative who values capitalism and the free market. A woman who believes what she says and says what she believes. Not your typical politician. Both Republicans AND Democrats hate her for that reason. If she runs as an unabashed conservative she will win in a landslide. Republicans have forgotten what that’s like. (IBD Editorials)


That’s what Obama promised us But what we got is “closed-door sessions” to decide how best to take away our right to make our own decisions about our health care. "Senators Chris Dodd and Max Baucus emerged from their secret, closed-door ObamaCare meetings with Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Obama Administration officials just long enough to brag about their openness and transparency. Two senators at the forefront of health care reform went to great lengths Tuesday to brag about how open and transparent the legislative process has been. Then, they resumed prepping for another closed-door meeting. Addressing the press Tuesday afternoon, Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Chris Dodd (D-Conn.) of the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee [One of the men who CREATED the economy problem –RT] patted themselves and each other on the back for writing their health care reform bills in public view even as they remained tight-lipped about their private meetings with Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) and White House officials...." They think we’re too stupid to realize what a lie this is. (Center for Individual Freedom)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Like A Horror Film

In horror films, the “monster” gets killed many times—and always comes back, usually at the worst possible time, and at a time nobody expects. Such is ACORN. “You probably heard that, as a result of the overwhelming scandals that the radical left-wing group "ACORN" is involved in, and after a HUGE public outcry, Congress recently voted to de-fund them. WE WERE LIED TO! [What else is new? –RT] Congress only voted to de-fund ACORN for ONE MONTH -- which means we have to fight hard AGAIN to FORCE them to defund this far-left group... PERMANENTLY! (RMCPAC/ACORN)

Controlling the Internet

One of the biggest “thorns in Obama’s side” (outside of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, of course) has been the Internet. So he wants to take over control of it so he can dictate what appears there as he does the liberal news media. He calls it “net neutrality.” But what he wants is the “neutrality” to lean decidedly to the left. He wants to get rid of ALL the criticism of his actions. If he succeeds, you won’t see blogs such as this because he will ban them outright. He can’t do that legally, but that has never stopped him from doing just whatever he wanted before. He wants to “fix” the Internet. But the Internet is NOT “broken” (no more than is the health care system) and does not need “fixing.” He wants to “fix” it, anyway. "The issue is not access, but control. In February 2008, FCC diversity czar Mark Lloyd, an admirer of what Hugo Chavez did to silence Venezuela's media, wrote about net neutrality in an article titled 'Net Neutrality Is A Civil Rights Issue'" (it is not, the way he wants it) and published by 'Unfortunately, the powerful cable and telecom industry doesn't value the Internet for its public interest benefits,' Lloyd wrote. 'Instead, these companies too often believe that to safeguard their profits [There's that PROFIT bugaboo, again. -RT], they must control what content you see and how you get it." Lloyd feels government should be the voice controlling what you see and hear." But the cable and telecom industry CANNOT control what you see and hear on the Internet. But if laws are made, OBAMA can. (IBD Editorials)

Obama Attacking Fox

Obama doesn’t like Fox News. Mostly because Fox doesn’t “knuckle under” and praise everything he does as do most of the other news outlets. “The Obama administration has attacked Fox News in order to prevent government corruption stories broken on Fox from bleeding into the other media, which are all-consumed with daily updates on Levi Johnston's Playgirl spread and Carrie Prejean's breast implants.”(Ann Coulter) He’s attacking Rush Limbaugh, too. So he can discredit anything Rush says (he hopes) since Rush isn’t afraid to tell the truth about him even if he IS black (he claims). I’ve always wondered why he makes a big thing out of being black, since he’s as much white as he is black. I guess it’s just because it allows him to accuse anybody who criticizes him, in any way, of being “racist.” He forgets, the same people he accuses of criticizing him because he is black, ELECTED him president. (Ann Coulter)

"Open Administration"

Obama promised an “open administration.” So did Bill Clinton, and neither kept that promise (but who is surprised?). "Even the very liberal Washington Post is raising an eyebrow, wondering aloud why President Obama, who promised transparency and even televised discussions so 'people can see' what is going on, has taken everything underground so the American people (who don't want this bill) can't angrily react to it: A gutting of Medicare Benefits; Skyrocketing insurance premiums; Soaring tax hikes. Health care rationing." ( Not to mention FORCED participation. Obama’s health care swindle will be released, within HOURS of a scheduled vote on it, so NOBODY, not even the congresspeople who will vote on it, will have a chance to read what will no doubt be more than a thousand pages. Congress should REFUSE to vote on ANY bill they are not given sufficient time to read. (Just common sense)

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Why Are They Surprised?

Obama has PROMISED to “bankrupt the coal industry.” So why are they surprised that he is implementing policies to ensure it? “(H/T: Instapundit) They’re particularly indignant that the President that so many of them supported has decided to let the EPA strangle their state’s core industry via the selective refusal of permits. Which is not surprising, given that this administration’s hatred of the coal industry was not precisely a secret - but still, they’re upset.” Omama has proven, in may ways, that he is an ENEMY of the free market, yet people are SURPRISED when he does things geared toward destroying it. What a bunch of klutzes they are! If they allow him to continue, America will be the new Soviet Union. Think I’m wrong? Prove it! (Red State)

"Cash for Geezers"

Obama may regret that “Cash for Clunkers” campaign. In addition to its dismal failure” (it lasted but a couple of weeks when they discovered that if you offered some people “free money” they’d line up around the block to get it) it gives his opponents a “ready-made” campaign based on the idea of “getting rid of geezers” so they won’t “drag him down” (By the way: I can use the term “geezers” because I AM one, even if I DID fall for that “political correctness” crap, which I don't). (Scott Stantis)

They Can If They wish

The question is, “Can Obama and his crowd order you to eat broccoli?” By law, they cannot. But that hasn’t stopped them yet. Everything they’ve done since Obama was elected by misguided and misinformed voters is unconstitutional and/or illegal. But they do it anyway, and nobody (with muscle) objects, so they get away with it. I just wonder why Obama doesn’t just announce a dictatorship and be done with it. He’s acting as if he is a dictator, anyway. (Terry Jeffery/Town Hall)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Fiddling While Rome Burns

That’s the equivalent when Obama spends the day playing golf while his generals are anxiously awaiting his decision about sending them the troops they need to keep those there alive and win the war. Of course, since he and his cronies have uniformly said “this war cannot be won” many times, they are now setting out on a course to make it true. (Red State)

Obama's "Tired of It"

He says, “Every time we are ready to pass ‘health care reform,’ the insurance companies come up with a phony ‘study’ (he says, without proof) to derail it, and I'm tired of it.” Funny. He never mentions the “phony studies” HIS people come up with to support it. What’s he gonna DO about those who oppose his health care swindle? Shoot them? Imprison them? Does he think he is a DICTATOR who can SHUT UP such people? If so, he should BRING IT ON! I oppose his swindle. So sue me. I'm tired of FIGHTING his silly ideas. (Just common sense)

Pigs Still Can't Fly

But the mayor of Moscow has promised a “snow-free winter” in Moscow. This is eerily similar to AlGore’s promises about global warming. Hizzonor hopes to have planes drop a chemical on the clouds before they reach Moscow, forcing them top drop their loads of snow before they reach the city. The people living where he wants to drop the snow are aghast, but objecting will do them no good in this socialist-run country. I’ll be waiting to see if he is successful. IF the Russian media reports it if he isn’t. (Yahoo News/Time)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are They Stupid, Or What?

“The American Experiment has produced the greatest living testament in history to the glory of man. How is it that so many 'progressives' desire legislation that can only destroy what we've created?” (Prof. Walter E. Williams) We have come further in about 300 years than have civilizations that have been around for THOUSANDS of years because we operate under CAPITALISM, which gives each INDIVIDUAL in our society the INCENTIVE to better him/herself, as other countries (that operate under some form of socialism or a dictatorship) cannot. So why do so many people want to change it? Mostly because they’ve been taught in our schools, from a very young age, that socialism (under whatever name they use today) is the “ideal” before they’re old enough to know it’s bullsh-t. Why have they been taught that? Because the people running the schools are themselves a product of such schooling, and generations have similarly been taught. Why have they been taught this? Because those who started this wanted CONTROL over as many people’s lives as possible. Imposing socialism is the way to that power. (Walter E. Williams)

Don't They Understand?

Damn! The Stock Market has finally topped 10,000. But do the fiscally incompetent bureaucrats and politicians understand why? People ON wall Street make MONEY by helping stocks go up; and for that, they get BONUSES. But those fiscally incompetent politicians and bureaucrats, who have NEVER taken a PENNY that didn’t belong to someone else, want to LIMIT those bonuses. They just don’t understand that those bonuses are RESPONSIBLE for the Stock Market going back up; they just want that money for themselves to spend in buying more votes. (News Busters)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

"Somebody Else's War"

That’s how some people describe the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. What abysmal IGNORANCE that shows! They just can’t understand that these Islamic terrorists are DETERMINED to KILL every “Infidel” they can (“Infidels” are those who don’t believe the same way they do, even some Muslims) and both countries "harbored" Islamic terrorists. Nothing else will satisfy them. The only way to stop them is top KILL them where they stand. And hope they’re standing in Iraq or Afghanistan, not Cincinnati, Indianapolis, or Denver. This is why we’re fighting these wars, THERE. So we won’t have to fight them HERE. Some say “that’s an old argument,” and they’re right. But there’s a REASON why it’s an “old argument;” we’ve been trying to “dent” the ignorance of those who say that for years, with no success. Maybe the next atrocity the terrorists commit, if it’s in an American city (which Bush prevented for 7 years), will convince them. Maybe not, if they’re really stupid. (Ann Coulter)

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Paying for Murder

I firmly believe killing the result of unprotected sex for the benefit of the sex partners is murder. That’s not a “political stance,” it’s MORALITY. It is IMMORAL to murder an innocent, unborn infant, still in the womb. What could be more innocent than that? But Obama’s “health care swindle” will FORCE you to pay for it. For that alone, (and I hate the whole idea of government-run health care, on principle) I will NOT participate. If they want to fine me for not participating, that’s fine with me. I will not pay the fine. If they want to send me to prison for not paying the fine, okay. Then they’ll have to feed me and pay all my medical bills. If they want that public relations disaster that will come from imprisoning an old man for not paying their fine, that’s okay with me. I will NOT pay for MURDER. Not even if it is the government doing it. (The Heritage Foundation)

We Lie!

But we didn’t. After an American newsman said England’s violent crime rate was more than ours, British politicians screamed “bloody murder.” Then they admitted he was right. That their crime rate outstrips ours in many areas. Mostly because carrying guns is effectively banned there. But criminals do not obey laws, so they keep their guns. They buy them out of the trunks of cars in alleys and on the street from illicit gun dealers, whose business only gets better where anti-gun laws are tight. Australia learned that, when they effectively banned guns in the hands of honest people and their crime rate went up 300%. (Reason Magazine)