Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Not Even With Help

Can the deadbeats the Democrat’s “Citizen Reinvestment Act of 1986” was SUPPOSED to “help” pay their mortgages? Liberals passed this insane law to guarantee the election of Democrats in 2008 and it did. The Democrats “took over” the government after the “safety valves” they also created (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) were tripped, just before the election. Now they say they’re trying to solve the financial problems they created, but every action they take only makes it worse. All this has done (besides give us this insane bunch of incompetent jerks now in office) is show us, again, how incompetent liberals (Democrats) are to govern while giving THEM another chance to make this into a socialist nation whether we like it or not. Fully 25% of those who have received "help" from Obama's government are STILL behind on their mortgages and many are just "walking away" from them. (CNN Money)

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