Sunday, December 6, 2009

"We Lied, But It's True"

The UN Climate Chief says, “. . . hacked e-mails from climate scientists had damaged the image of global warming research but said evidence of a warming Earth is solid.” What the hell is he talking about? The “evidence” of global warming” has NEVER been “solid,” and these hacked e-mails makes it plain that they've been falsifying things. They really expect us to believe a big load of crap, don’t they? AlGore’s people are now pointing out what I’ve been saying all along, that global temperatures are “cyclical.” But he has a quite different “take” on it. He says that “explains” the fact that the globe hasn’t been warming since 2000, but his silly notions are still true. AlGore will go down in history as the second biggest con man in history, right behind Barack Obama. Gore only conned us out of billions. Obama has conned us out of TRILLIONS and the presidency. (Yahoo News/AP)

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