Thursday, December 3, 2009

Navel Gazing

NAVEL GAZING: Scientists at the University of East Anglia are mounting an “investigation” to see if their scientists really did falsify the data they’ve been feeding AlGore and others. “The university said in an e-mail statement that its review will examine the e-mails and other information ‘to determine whether there is any evidence of the manipulation or suppression of data which is at odds with acceptable scientific practice.’ “ They’re going to “examine” e-mails that show without a doubt that they were heavily involved in the global deception to see if they really are. They still insist that these e-mails notwithstanding, their findings will not change their original findings. They say this BEFORE examining them. Does that tell you anything about what their “findings” will be? “The university said former civil servant Muir Russell would lead the inquiry. Russell said in the statement that he ‘has no links to either the university or the climate science community.’ " Yeah, riiight! The upshot is, AlGore’s massive swindle has been exposed and they are now engaged in “damage control.” (Yahoo News/AP)

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