Thursday, December 31, 2009

Nary A word

A Democrat member of Congress (William Jefferson, D-LA) was sentenced to 13 years in prison and the liberal news media uttered nary a word about it. If that had happened to a REPUBLICAN, they’d be “shouting it to the skies,” as they were when a Republican congressman was railroaded by a gay-hating cop for moving his foot in the wrong way, even though one of the most prominent Democrats in Washington is an ADMITTED gay (Barney Frank). This is how they “slant” the news. They ignore completely anything they wish to hide from the public while trumpeting that which advances their “template.” The Republican had to resign after the news media attacked him for what they called "soliciting gay sex" while doing not much of anything to Barney when it was discovered his boyfriend was running a gay whorehouse out of his apartment. He said hr didn't know about it. Do you believe that? (Brent Baker)

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