Tuesday, December 8, 2009

The "Carbon Credits" Swindle

For a long time there I wondered how AlGore could profit from screaming “the sky is falling” over an imaginary ONE DEGREE increase in global temperatures over 100 years. Then I found out how much he charged to give a speech on the subject, and later found out about his “investment” in companies that sold “carbon credits” to people who wanted to keep on polluting at the same levels by buying “carbon credits” from those who did not. This “carbon credits” swindle is one of the biggest and most successful swindles in the history of the world (outside of Obama’s “too big to fail” swindle).

The “personal carbon allowance” in Britain will soon come here, and each one of us will be required to carry a “personal carbon allowance” card to keep track of out personal “carbon usage.” When it is used up (having been arbitrarily set by a faceless, nameless bureaucrat somewhere), we will not be able to function in society unless we pay some bureaucrat somewhere for the right (a right he should not be able to grant or deny). It will also function as a “national ID card,” something liberals have lusted after for a long time. (Common Sense/Paul Jacob)

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