Saturday, October 25, 2008

Amadjinijerk Blames U. S. for Economic Problems

As if he knew what he was talking about. Unfortunately he's right. But for the wrong reasons. It is NOT our "meddling in the Middle-East" It is our OWN liberal politicians who have literally CREATED the economic problems now plaguing us. The very people now crying the loudest for "oversight" (control" of the "bailout" the president is proposing, the largest "takeover" of private business enterprise in history), is like putting the fox in charge of the hen house. There are two names that "rise to the top" as creating the problem: Barney Frank and Chris Dodd have blocked every effort to "clean up "Fannie May" and "Freddy Mac" while profiting to the tune of MILLIONS from their operations. President Bush tried three years ago to put a stop to their scam, but who blocked it? Barney and Chris.

The scam was to buy up bad loans and backdate them, making it look like Fanny and Freddie were having an amazing growth in "assets," upon which the multi-million dollar bonuses of the CEOs were based. Naturally, Fanny and Freddy were giving MILLIONS to politicians, top among whom were Barak Obama and John Biden. They used them to take BILLIONS from the taxpayer in the form of political contributions. Where are Jim Johnson and Franklin Raines, former CEOs of Fannie and Freddie? They're Barack Obama's "A-Team." Can you put two and two together? Now Democrats are trying to convince you that capitalism is responsible for this "economic problem." That's a lie. It is the idiot policies of LIBERALS in Congress (and in the presidency during Clinton's term) that are responsible. Don't buy their bull droppings. (Yahoo News)

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