Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Controlling the Internet

If Obama gets elected president, look for "conservative talk radio" to disappear; especially if the Democrats gain enough seats to have a filibuster-proof Congress. They WILL reinstitute the "Fairness Doctrine," where if ANYBODY says anything (or writes anything) against someone, that someone MUST be allowed time (or space) for a rebuttal. That ignores the fact that most of today's media ARE biased in favor of the liberals, and conservative radio IS "FAIRNESS." This would also probably" get rid of me," and other people like me who try and GIVE you "fairness," because the left does not count the TRUTH to be "fairness." Fox News wouldn't have a problem because they already have more liberals "on staff" than ABC, CBS, or NBC, though they don't get as much "face time" because Fox DOES also bring you the conservative side and ABCCBSNBCNYTWP does not. The liberals ought to be careful what they wish for, because that "fairness doctrine" can work both ways. Next, they'll want to impose the "Fairness doctrine" on the print media. The big problem here is "who decides" what is "fair?" I guarantee you it will be a liberal. (Town Hall Magazine)

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