Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Biggest Swindle in the History of the World!

No, it's not "global warming." That political swindle has forever been relegated to second place by the "big bailout" that Democrats have twisted so that it looks like they have "saved the country's economy" by "dedicating" not $700 billion, but $850 billion dollars to what might be an IMAGINARY "panic on Wall Street." Like Rush Limbaugh asked: "What was the 'trigger' in this?" He can't find it, and I can't find it either. Yes, there were a few large, old, respected companies that failed because they loaned money to too many people who couldn't afford to pay it back and they (finally) realized they couldn't continue; that doing so was a "recipe for disaster." But what WAS the "trigger?" We've already spent billions on the bailouts of those companies while actually "taking over" the two biggest offenders. Was the takeover of Fannie and Freddie the trigger? I don't think so. I think the takeover of these companies was just the thing that convinced the HONEST politicians in Washington there was a "big problem" so they would go along with the Democrat's "fix" which put more billions in their (Democrat) pockets. Meanwhile, they're LYING when they tell us this is necessary because there is "no money" available for loans. Try it. Call your bank and tell them you need a loan, have the 20% down payment and can make the payments. See if they turn you away.

Meanwhile, the very people who CAUSED this "problem" are in charge of "FIXING" it. Nobody's even TALKING about "investigating Barney Frank, who with Chris Dodd, blocked every effort (12 of 'em) to investigate and "rein in" Fannie and Freddie (Saying "There's nothing wrong with Fannie or Freddie"), the two most obvious offenders. Nobody is talking about investigating Franklin Raines, the CEO who "presided over" the swindle that got us into this mess (Who is now Obama's financial adviser, fergawd'ssake! That alone should tell you Obama is NOT the man to be president!), The Congresspeople and the president (Clinton) who passed and signed into law the very law that FORCED those investment companies to make such loans or face the "wrath" of the federal government. Why not? Are these people blind? Or are they all IN on the swindle? The Democrats are still saying it's "eight years of Bush's bad policies" when it's really 50 years of DEMOCRAT bas policies that got us into this mess. Why do people BELIEVE them? They're swindling us out of TRILLIONS of dollars (before it's done) and we're ALLOWING it. Those who don't want to allow it are the subject of derision. And they still think it's Bush's fault, when he was the only politician in Washington who actually TRIED to stop it. (Vancouver Sun)

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