Thursday, October 16, 2008

My Reasons for Not voting for Obama

Actually, though I have many reasons for not voting for Obama, only one is sufficient. He is a socialist. He wants to "share MY wealth." Not his own. Have you ever known a liberal to want to "share HIS wealth?" Every word out of Obama's mouth is collectivism (socialism). He talks about "sharing." But he means YOU "sharing" with someone else. Not HIM "sharing" with you. YOU and I and all Americans (except him) are the "source" of ALL wealth to be "shared." Not him. Never does a collectivist want to share HIS wealth. It's always YOUR wealth that must be "shared." If Obama gets elected president, YOUR income will shrink because he will take YOUR money to TRY and do all the things he has promised, even though there isn't enough money in the world to pay for it all. He complains about McCain wanting to tax medical benefits, but ignores ALL the things HE'S going to tax you for. If you think you're paying too much in taxes now, elect Obama and just wait. (Just common sense)

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