Monday, October 20, 2008

ACORN Again!

Why anybody accepts voter registrations from ACORN is beyond me. They've been caught so many times in fraud, only the Democrats, who TRADE in voter fraud, believe their efforts are honest. And this is the organization Barack Obama was working for when he was a "community organizer" (read: "agitator" and "thug") in Chicago. Another thing: the "head honcho" of Fannie May (the organization the Democrats used to loot America) is now one of Obama's FINANCIAL advisers. Will he advise Obama to do the same things HE did when he was boss at Fannie May? The things that forced him to give back millions of dollars when they fired him? Does Obama think he can hire such people to advise him financially and WIN the election? They make a lot of noise about McCain's associates, but none are felons, ex-felons, or CEOs who stole millions of dollars. You might also want to read Malkin's article about fraud in La Raza. The link is on her page. (Michelle Malkin)

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