Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pelosi Buying Votes With YOUR Money

After adding $150 billion of YOUR dollars (in pork) to the $700 billion bailout promoted by the president, she is now preparing to add yet ANOTHER $300 billion dollars' worth of pork to buy votes from those who will benefit from it (It's amazing how they throw your money around). This is so obvious, even people who don't pay attention have to be able notice it. But she doesn't care. She figures she can "spin it" to the extent even THEY will not object--or at least not in such numbers as to put a stop to it. Do these people think money "grows on trees?" Maybe not. But for Washington politicians, it DOES grow on printing presses. Sheesh! Obama is the worst of all. He has promised so many things there will not be enough money in the world to pay for them, even with the government's money printing presses working full time, printing large denominations. (Just common sense)

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