Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama's Campaign Based on Lies

"The U. S. Health Care System is the Worst in the World" (Actually, it's the best). "Corporations are Evil" (Actually, they are what keeps our economy going. Without them we'd be a "fourth-rate country." With them, we've outstripped the entire world.). "We're Losing the Iraq War" (Actually, we won it in the first week. We're just "mopping up" now). "Drilling Won't Work" (Actually, it WILL)."We're in a Depression" (Actually, we haven't been in a REAL depression for years). "Global Warming is a Major Problem" (Actually, a cyclical increase in global temperature of one quarter degree in 100 years is NOT a "major problem"). "They Will Try and Scare You Because I Don't Look Like Other Presidents" (Which is an obvious attempt to say if you don't vote for Obama you're a racist). If you buy this crap, you'll have the president you deserve. (Just common sense)

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