Tuesday, September 1, 2020

"Tax the Rich"

That has always seemed to be the theme for liberal Dumbocrats. Mostly because they’re jealous at the fact that “the rich” have done better than they have, or that their constituents have. The fact that the rich have worked to EARN what they have escapes them. They figure everybody ought to be rich, even if they never do a day’s work in their lives. Yes, some of the rich stole, or conned their way to their riches. But they are a very small minority among the rich, most of whom are rich because they, or one of their forebears came up with an idea or a product that lots of people wanted to buy—and their constituents did not. NYC Mayor DiBlasio is begging New Yorkers to help him rob the rich. He’s very frightened by the fact that so many of them are taking their money and leaving, so he can’t steal part of what they have earned, so he won’t have as many “rich” left to rob. The “tax the rich” theme is a definite socialist/communist tactic to “even out” things between rich and poor, even if the poor did nothing to earn any part of it. It reveals the fact that the politician who proposes it IS a socialist/communist, at heart, even if he/she professes to be a free marketer. Socialism and communism are simply two different forms of collectivism. The only differences are cosmetic. (New York Post)

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