Tuesday, September 15, 2020

It's NOT "Transphobia," Dummy!

It’s a scientific fact: men CANNOT menstruate! Period (No pun intended) they don’t have the PLUMBING to menstruate. That photo of him with blood all over hos crotch is a phony. It could NOT be real. I don’t know what his point is, but it is a scientific FACT that men cannot menstruate. If that was real blood, coming from somewhere near his genitals, it probably came out of his anus, and shows a possibility he needs emergency medical attention—immediately. Whatever, this whole thing is a big con. I don’t know what he hopes to prove by this subterfuge, but loony liberals will accept it a true, and cite it, and broadcast it, to “prove” their silliness—without physically examining him without the pants in between. And in case he really believes this BS, he has a real mental problem, and should seek help before he actually does commit suicide. Fact: there are only TWO SEXES. Male and female. Fact: transsexual is NOT a “third sex.” It is either a mental aberration or merely the choice to pretend you’re a female. Fact: menstruation blood comes from a uterus. Men don’t have a uterus. This guy is just fooling himself. (Daily Headlines)

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