Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Draconian Punishments "Under Law"

The Constitution prohibits punishments being “cruel and unusual.” I ask you: is it “cruel and unusual to find a business owner $10,000.00 for being open against regulations?” (Not laws, passed by a legislature, but “regulations” imposed by one politician) Meanwhile, top politicians (Nancy Peelosi) get their hair done in a closed parlor in violation of those “regulations,” and then blame the people who revealed it by condemning them for taking a video of her doing it without her permission. How about a 10 year prison sentence for violating one of those “regulations?” They are, “oh, so incensed” when citizens (peons) violate those regulations, while they violate them on a regular basis with impunity. It’s like in “Animal Farm,” where “some animals are better than others.” Politicians get a great sense of their own importance by the fact they were elected to office. They think that entitles them to more privileges than “ordinary folks.” Like Chicago Mayor Lightbrain, who went out and violated her own “lockdown” and got a haircut because she was “in the public eye,” which gave her certain perks, to which others were not entitled. Typical would-be dictator thinking. (Just common sense)

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