Friday, September 18, 2020

Chief Quits In Disgust

The police chief in Dallas, TX has resigned in disgust after she had her people arrest 647 “demonstrators” (rioters) who unlawfully blocked a freeway were released without charges by the incompetent liberal politicians running the city. The charges were good, and convictions would have come, but for those incompetent politicians. They turned them all loose and said, “you’re free to go.” Go and do what? Block another freeway while the new chief, knowing the politicians didn’t have his back, looked on. It is this kind of damnfoolishness that is the reason why the “demonstrators” are getting bolder and bolder, and will soon be hurting and killing people in the name of their “cause.” Some of them are doing it, already. This police chief is not the first to quit in disgust, as police chiefs I many cities have done so, when they realized their politicians were stupid and would not back them up. I predict that “on the line” cops will also be quitting in disgust, and for the same reasons. Incompetent politicians are taking away their tools, right and left, and generally making it harder and more dangerous to do their jobs. (Patriot Journal)

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